7 February 2015
6 February 2015
Another new member
First of all - tomorrow will be the final part of this year's TIAS.
Now today I'm going to introduce you to Margaret who has been making baubles for years. I've added her to the exclusive club which you can find on the tab at the top of the page.
Now today I'm going to introduce you to Margaret who has been making baubles for years. I've added her to the exclusive club which you can find on the tab at the top of the page.
"She says:-
"Right, Jane, nice sunny day here at the moment and I've been able to get a reasonable photo for you.
The hedgehog was made, about 10 years ago, at a tatting weekend, from a Shuttle Brothers pattern.
The bee, tatted as part of the Tatters Across Time course, was done about 5 years ago. After all the talk of tatted baubles on your blog, I got busy and did a whole bunch to add to purses for presents!
They sure are fun and the possibilities are endless!
Thank you for including me in your Exclusive Tatting club.
5 February 2015
Chicken coaster/doily
Well this HAS to be the last for a while. I'm not bored with them but need to move on to other things.
The coaster at the top was made with - mmmmmm, not sure but it's an HDT and a plain. Least I think it's plain!!! Yes it is in the coaster.
So I made the coaster and was very surprised at how the thread worked out that each flowery part was dark pink in roughly the same places all the way round. Once finished I thought that the plain outside was a bit light and it needed the doily round to contain it and add some definition.
Doesn't that sound posh? Well that's actually not quite what I thought - I really thought 'this darn thing needs the outer round' with a bit more colour!!! So, that's what I did.
4 February 2015
Out of the blue
First of all - here is the link to day 12. Next one is the last!
Quite out of the blue (don't you just LOVE blue?) came this book the day before yesterday. It's HUGE and it's WONDERFUL and I must thank publicly the very kind person who gifted me with this. She wishes to remain anonymous so I can't tell you her name.
Quite out of the blue (don't you just LOVE blue?) came this book the day before yesterday. It's HUGE and it's WONDERFUL and I must thank publicly the very kind person who gifted me with this. She wishes to remain anonymous so I can't tell you her name.
This hardback book is by Edwige Renaudin who has put a LOT of work into the publication. The ISBN number is 978 2 84167 685 9. You can see the title on the picture. La Frivolity Aux Navettes.
At first glance it may look like a pretty basic book but on further exploration there's loads and loads in there to make BC3 sit up and think. AND try things out. It's all in French (obviously!) but with my schoolgirl knowledge (which is over half a century old and not as sharp as it used to be) and the help of Google translate, this book will be no problem. Why? Well, simply because it's so inspiring anybody would want to understand it.
I've posted a very small picture of a page - just to inspire you. I'm very, very wary of posting pages from books because of copyright theft so I'm hoping the second picture will turn out REALLY small!!!!
3 February 2015
Yes, another one!!!
I really must find somebody or several people to give all these coasters to. I think I'll soon be stopping people in the street and handing them out to passersby!!!
When not doing these coasters my day job (when I'm actively avoiding housework etc) is working on more technique pages for the web site.
These will be very basic bead pages at the moment but if anybody has any suggestions for other pages then please let me know. I'm 'in the mood' to draw and make pages!!!!
2 February 2015
Another exclusive member
Today I have the pleasure of welcoming Sara to the Exclusive Tatting Club. She's sent in a mouse to share with us and says:-
"I have made a mouse too, so maybee I can join your exclusive club now!? My mouse eyes and ears is a bit funny looking, maybe I made something wrong there, but it was a lot of fun making it! I thought I should find it boring to just do knot after knot, but it was just fun to see the mouse be created between my hands!Have a nice day, and thanks again just for beeing Jane who makes tatting even more fun!!"
She's really right about the 'not being boring'. I find it fascinating to see the little critters forming in my hands. Hats off to Randy and Gary for devising the whole book. There's not just critters in there - there are flowers, baubles of all types. I reckon it's really good value for money compared with a lot of books.
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Creative Commons Licence
Tatting and NOT a Lot Else by Jane Eborall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://janeeborall.blogspot.co.uk/.
Happy Beaks

I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.