I must mention here that this church is world famous as the burial place of the bard - Shakespeare himself. Here's a picture (taken in a hurry) of where his tomb is high up on the wall (over on the left here). As a kid it always puzzled me how those ancient guys dug a hole so high up on a wall!! Actually, if I'm to be honest - it still puzzles me but I don't lose any sleep over it!!! The inscription on the tomb says:-
Good friend for Jesus sake forbear
To dig the dust enclosed here!
Blest be the man that spares these stones,
And curst be he that moves my bones.
Rumour has it that there's nowt in there and that it's just an 'empty space'. That's Stratford for you - full of rumours!!!!!

Next I have a picture of a really, really nice guy. I often see him parking in our road when he comes into town and yesterday I took the opportunity of getting his autograph for my 3 boy grands. He's a fantastic actor and appears in a lot of television programmes here in the UK. Others might recognise him better for his part in Harry Potter as Filch. In this picture you can see him opening the Fayre at eleven o'clock. His name? David Bradley.
One thing which amused me was that one young lady looked long and hard at my winsome drop earwigs and then decided adamantly that she wanted a pair which were MINE!!! I'd worn them quite a few times as they were my favourites for a while, and I told her this. She still insisted she wanted them. So, on Sunday afternoon I had a rummage around my tatting cupboard to find the 'makings' for another pair (or two, or three)!!! Just need that other commodity - time!!!
Just as I was packing up a young lady came over and we started talking. She was thrilled to see a tatter and said she tatted too. She came from Kentucky and told me she didn't know of any tatting groups. During the conversation she mentioned she travelled to South Carolina regularly so, of course, I told her about the Palmetto Tatters!! It would be great if she joined up with them sometime.
Oh - one final thing. The shuttles I listed in Etsy flew out of the shop yesterday!!! There will be more but not for a few weeks and when there are I'll let you all know on this blog.