You knew that I wasn't quite 'all there' in the brain cell capacity and now I'm going to have to admit that I know it too!!!
I was preparing the next pattern to put on the pattern pages when I went to look at the small horse again. Dozy old mooooo that I am - I'd omitted the drawing from the page!!! So, here it is with the drawing too!!! I hang the aged head in shame!!!
When making a pattern page I try like crazy to get everything onto as few pages as possible. That may have been the reason the drawing got omitted on the small horse pattern!!!!
It REALLY ANNOYS ME when people spread a simple pattern over about five sheets of paper. I mean - WHAT a waste of ink, paper and natural resources!!! I also moan about the size of font used and the type of font.
One thing I learned early in my online days is that Times Roman (the usual default font used on most computers) is about the hardest one to read either in a book or online. I always change mine to Helvetica or (my favourite) Verdana.