21 October 2024

Monday Moan - beads

No I'm not complaining about beads at all but I do have a gripe about how they're used by some people in their tatting designs.
I test tatted a design for a new designer a while back and was gobsmacked to find that she was telling people to sew beads onto the work.  WHAT?  I could scarcely believe it.  Why would you tell people to sew on beads unless you're a new designer who doesn't know the craft from the inside out.

As it turned out this particular lass really didn't know the craft of tatted lace at all.  She'd only been tatting a short while and had then decided she'd become a designer.  Great idea but ..........  

Back to beads.  I think (do tell me if I'm wrong) there is only one situation when a bead MAY need to be 'sewn on' after the piece is finished (I'm talking about the traditional way of tatting with a shuttle) and that's when it's a very large bead that is required to sit in a ring.  Sometimes called a focal bead.  Even THAT can be avoided in many cases by including it in the tatting like this or this.  You can also add the focal bead to the centre of a split ring too.  

For those who sell on Etsy with some of these wonderful tatted jewellery pieces I do hope you're including ALL beads in the actual work and not sewing on afterwards.  I'd hate to be a customer who's glorious piece of jewellery fell apart when the sewing came undone.

So my advice (whether asked for or not - and NONE of you did!!!!) is please, please, please don't sew beads onto tatting - include them safely while you're working.  

As you know I don't 'do' videos as I feel they're making people lazy about reading patterns but in this case (techniques) I think they're valuable.  I do have a bead technique section here on my pattern site.  Free patterns are available here too.

May I add that none of the beads (except when added to a picot) were added to the thread before starting the work - see the Fantasy Flower here.

18 October 2024

The new cardigan - progress report

I told you about the new cardigan project back here.    It’s time to report on my progress!!!  OR lack of!!!
I really haven’t read through the pattern to the end!  Although I knew it was knitted from the bottom up I didn’t realise quite how many stitches would be needed for the rows!!!!  There are 245 stitches.  Those include the button band.  It takes considerable time to knit a row but it does get more interesting as you get further up the body.  Least I hope it does!!!

IF you look very closely at the sides you’ll see where I’ve started the patterning.  Well I did a few more rows (well, quite a few more!) and then decided I’d made a mistake so ripped it all back to where you see it now!!!!  Ah, well it’ll mean I’ll be kept out of trouble for a while longer!!!!

16 October 2024

New FREE pattern

This is the final pattern from my Palmetto teaching trip.  If you want all the patterns taught by the designers/teachers then please take a look here where they can be found on the Palmetto Tatters site.

This is the pattern that I taught and this is where you can find it.  

14 October 2024

A Monday moan to make you laugh?

As you all know there are many, many books ‘out there’ on tatting and the new books now hitting the shelves are ones that really are hilarious.  I think they’re a joke.  I DO NOT recommend you to buy them.

They’re generated from other people’s work and often include sections of text ‘lifted’ from older books/web sites.  But what makes me laugh is this new generation of books.  You don’t even have to look very closely to see that in the first picture for needle tatting the cover has bobbin lace on it

The second ‘author’ appears to have ‘stolen’ her cover photo from the first person which is amusing.

Now when we come to the third picture “Mastering Shuttle Tatting” you’ll notice that the book cover has some type of lace which I can’t identify but it certainly isn’t shuttle tatted!!!  

Finally the last book says it’s an advance guide to beautiful lace and also needle tatting essentials!!!  I’m sure the producers of these books have never seen any tatted lace as none of the covers show any.  I feel sad for those who waste their money buying these misleading books.

9 October 2024

Another new FREE pattern - snowflake

Well here's another of the Palmetto patterns that I taught at Tat Days about six weeks ago.  

This has become another of my favourite little tatting projects and I hope you like it.  

For all the patterns that were taught this year please go here where you can buy them. 

Well I guess you want to know where this little snowflake can be found?  Well, shall I tell you or shall I keep it a secret?

Hmmmmm - I guess it won't be a secret for very long so I may as well tell you!!!  Here's the link.

3 October 2024

Needle tatting 2

Well I did warn you that you wouldn’t like this post!!!  If you read this post you can see what I said!!!  

I think this was the worst tatting I ever made.  I can remember making this not long after I bought the Ed and Selma Morin book on needle tatting.  I actually made this up myself (designed!!??) and it’s needle tatted with double knitting yarn (which is what was available cheaply and locally) back in the 1970’s. 

I never wore it and I think the reason was because it’s a ‘nasty’ shade of pink!!!!  I like pink but not this shade!!!  Also back ‘in the day’ it wasn’t fashionable, I don’t believe, to layer your clothes.  Well, whatever the reason it never got worn and last week it took its final trip to the charity shop.  Even though I never liked it I’m now wondering if it went into the ragman bag or was put for sale in the shop.  Whatever/wherever it is all I can say is that I’m glad to be rid of it1!!

I did keep the giraffes, though!!!!

2 October 2024

Rings a Bell?

This is another of the patterns I taught at Palmetto Tat Days.  I wanted a relatively simple design and one that could probably be finished during the lesson.

Over the years I’ve tried to offer designs that can be worked during the given time but also found that that isn’t possible for most of us.  I know that I personally couldn’t get a design done during a lesson as I find it hard not to talk to other fellow students!!!  It’s called ‘gossiping!!!!

30 September 2024

Starting the cardigan

Before I left for Tat Days I'd decided to knit another cardigan.  I wanted something with fine yarn - not bulky.  I know, I know, it's a huge task I'd set myself!!!  

Well I got to Joanie's house and a few days into my visit she gave me this yarn.  It's Sport weight and it's really, really lovely.  The colour is actually a dark grey and it’s content is Alpaca, wool and acrylic.

I found this free pattern although I wasn’t looking for a free one this came up and I fell in love with it. 

What I didn’t realise until I started it two weeks ago is that it’s worked from the bottom up and that the whole of the back and two sides (plus button bands) are knitted together.  Makes for a LOT of stitches on the very long circular needle!!!

26 September 2024

Needle tatting part 1

A bit of history!!!

Back in the 70's I used to belong to a newsletter group here in the UK.  They were my only way into the world of tatting outside of the UK.  Although it was a fairly good source of patterns it also ran some interesting adverts too for shuttles and books.  There was no such thing as needle tatting back before that time.

I saw a book advertised (selling in America) for needle tatting.  It was by Ed and Selma Morin.  I bought a copy and had a 'go'.  

This was made using double knitting yarn.  I'll show you another of my needle tatting pieces another day but you WON'T like it!!!!  

25 September 2024

Gloria's angel

This is one gorgeous little angel that Gloria gave me while on my travels.  

In fact she gave two of us little baggies full of angels for us to give away.  Joanie and I did that for her and now this little one is hanging on the side of my monitor keeping an eye on me!!!!

Please don't ask me for the pattern as I didn't think to ask!!  I'm sure somebody will recognise it and comment.

24 September 2024

An early Christmas present!

As you know (if you read my rather boring blog) I've been to Palmetto Tat Days.  I'm slowly starting to upload the patterns onto my web site and the first one can be found here.

I really would like to point out, though, that all of the patterns taught over the Palmetto Tat Days weekend can be found here.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.