26 August 2007


I have had a few emails asking if I'm OK as my blog has been at a standstill for nearly a month. The answer is yes, thanks, I'm fine. I'm just a long, long way from home and my own computer!!! So this will be a boring post as I've no pictures to add. We've been in Cincinnati for nearly three weeks now are having a great time. The weather has been sunny except for one morning. Temperatures are from 90 - 100 + so we haven't been out much in the daytimes as 'old gits' are advised not to go out in this weather. I must say that there hasn't been much time and that the temptations of playing with five young kiddies (Karen minds three others and has two of her own) have allowed me the luxury of reverting to my 'true' age during the daytime.
The American economy is now picking up thanks to the price of clothes etc being so good and us getting a whole two pounds to the dollar - yippeeeeee.
It's been a round of parties since we arrived. Karen turned 40 and Athena 5. Who needs an excuse, though.
We spent a week up at Marblehead on Lake Erie soon after we arrived here and that was amazing too. Found some fantastic places to eat too.
Must say that I've not swum in about fifteen years and while here have hardly had a day out of the pool. Managed twenty widths or lengths (not sure which as they both looked the same to me) yesterday.
Another ten days or so and I leave for Palmetto. Nerves over flying have already set in. I'm fine if there are two of us but this time I'm 'going alone'. One of the fears I have in life is going places on my own. I have problems even in the UK over this. The one long term effect of my breakdown some fifteen years ago. Wonder if doing this trip on my own will finally cause my recovery?
Well, tat's about it for now.
Off to do some vacuuming upstairs and check to see if the ironing's piled up again.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.