6 October 2023

On the ‘home run’ - but

Still a long way to go.  That’s the problem with projects like this.  You start from the middle and things go pretty quickly but as you get further out there’s more and more work needed.  
Here’s the next part.  As you can see I’ve added in four small seven hex motifs to make the whole thing rectangular.  I think the cloth needs to be a little longer but the depth is fine.  Now to work out the next part.  The end is in sight and my winter project will be done before winter has arrived. 

That’s the problem when you get addicted to a project.  

4 October 2023

I’m round the bend

Well you all knew that anyway but I’m also ‘round the bend’ of the heel!!!  
Now it’s ‘onward and upward’ I hope!!!!

Next time you hear about the sock I’m hoping it’ll be finished with just one more sock to make!!!  Liz has two legs so that means she’ll need two socks!!!!

3 October 2023

Now stitched but more decisions needed!!!

I’ve got those four large motifs done and stitched down.  Mainly because I stayed in ALL day on Saturday!!!
As you can see I’m now ‘squaring it off’ and hope that it will soon become a rectangle to fit my table.  There’s still a long way to go, though.

2 October 2023

A message but not in a bottle!

Life last week was a little ‘stressful’ so not a lot of crafting got done but I still have things to show you!!

First of all was this lovely message from Anita who said

“Thank you Jane!  For having this project online, it inspired me to make a miniature baby blanket.”

This cheered me up no end as it’s a rare thing to hear from people who use my patterns.  If they were in book form I’d know whether they were popular or not from whether people were buying the books but doing things for free leaves you in a sort of vacuum.

Ah, well, back to my vacuum with thanks to Anita for cheering me up!!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.