On a separate issue. A tatter in the UK sent me a url where a lot of my images from my patterns had been uploaded. Now this is an odd situation to be landed in. Let me explain.
23 August 2008
Sorry, no progress!!
On a separate issue. A tatter in the UK sent me a url where a lot of my images from my patterns had been uploaded. Now this is an odd situation to be landed in. Let me explain.
22 August 2008
The lover and his problems!!
Now working out a new design always has it's problems but in my case most of them suffer at one time or another from a lack of concentration or tiredness. Oh, could that be old age too?!?!?
Do take a peek at the Spanish dancer's lover. I finished this one (apart from his hat) on Wednesday evening. Poor chap. I think he'll need a walking stick as his one leg is longer than the other. Could he be the original 'Long haired lover from Liverpool' or perhaps just 'Daddy Longlegs'?!?!?! All suggestions are very welcome!!!! Please keep them clean, though!!
When you look at him carefully and count the rings there are the same number on each leg. Something has 'gone wrong' in the crotch area. I hope to explore this later today. I worked up another 'lover' and got to the stage when I was down the first side of one leg. That, I felt, was a good time to stop and wait for brain cell # 3 to arrive for his weekend break!!!
21 August 2008
The old bag lady strikes again!
20 August 2008
How do we close a self closing mock ring?
Now stand up all those who think this is a daft question!!!
How many years have we all been making these SCMR's popping the working shuttle through the loop and then closing it? I know the answer - toooooo many years!!! Imagine my surprise when Anitra wrote the other day with what she thought was a 'good idea' and another way to close this element in tatting. I tried it and it works. In fact there are two new ways to close the SCMR.Now, one might ask, why do we 'need' or 'want' another way to close this element. Well, like me and probably many others Anitra was a bit dissapointed with the look of the regularly closed ones. She found that the bottom mock ring didn't always seem to 'sit' well on the previous element. Heck, I can't sit here trying to explain what she did. Best thing is for you to go and look here.
Oh, you can sit down now!!!!!
19 August 2008
For Georgia!!
I'm sure she won't mind me sharing as I've no idea why dear Georgia challenged me to this but she did!!! A few months ago when I was deeeeeply into sequins and Christmas trees Georgia had seen a couple of rainbow patterns and decided they reminded her of a Spanish dancing lady's skirt.
She asked me if it was possible!!! Here's the lady so far.
Georgia really wanted the rose to be held between her teeth but it looked a bit daft to me but that can easily be changed with a couple of stitches using invisible thread. Next project? Hmmmm, the lover to dance with her, I guess.
Strange when I start these new projects I always think it won't be hard cause I can steal from my other patterns. Rarely, if ever, does this work out!! I did take the basic arms and head from the button family but even those had to be changed to get the arms in the 'right' position!!!!
I managed to finish her yesterday evening after 'one of those days' chasing my tail. It started on the run in the morning and continued like that all day but I did manage a walk without getting wet!!! Still it's what keeps me young and beautiful (cough, cough, splutter, splutter), I suppose!!!
17 August 2008
What I really, really need!
Another day another ?
I cleared up after my sewing stint of the previous day and then went down the town to get bread etc.
By the time I got back the second blue one had sold!! This was my fastest sale so far!! So, after lunch I went down town again and mailed that one. I have almost finished another red paisley set which will become part of my stock. I've got two pretty floral sets cut out and ready to sew. Bag making will stop in the winter as it will be too cold to work in the conservatory!!!
Creative Commons Licence
Tatting and NOT a Lot Else by Jane Eborall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://janeeborall.blogspot.co.uk/.
Happy Beaks

I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.