9 July 2021

Well this is small progress

My crazy idea for the denim jacket is taking on a life of it's own.  Not necessarily a 'good' life but it's started.  Let's say it's at the 'just been born' stage!!!

You can see that I've just pinned the pieces together here.  I think the next stage will be tacking them roughly too.  The iron is being put through it's paces as well as I need to keep checking and checking.

Meanwhile evenings are for tatting and progress is being made on another new idea.  I think this one will make a good lesson so I need to start thinking about where I'm going to offer it!!!!  

7 July 2021

Yet another

This time I've used size 80 thread instead of two strands of sewing thread.  

I love these two colours together but was surprised to see how much smaller this pink brown one was compared to the previous motifs worked in two sewing threads wound together.  You live and you learn!!!

5 July 2021

I had an idea!

Well it's been percolating in my old brain for ages!!!  Do you remember my gecko jacket?  Here it is.  I also did another with animals all over it too.  This one.

I decided to look through my wardrobe the other day and found another plain denim jacket that's been hiding in there for years!!  I know why I've never worn it - the sleeves are too long and it's BORING!!!  So I'm off on another adventure - a patchwork one.  Not a 'planned' patchwork but one that evolves.  Whatever THAT is.  I honestly don't know about this project but it'll be fun playing and the scraps I'm using will only get thrown away one day.  Save the planet, says I.  

As usual I'm not quite sure how it's going to proceed or how I'm going to do it but it'll be fun trying and I do have a lot of scraps of fabric.  I'll keep you updated!!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.