25 August 2023

Now for another progress report!!

The third scarf is coming on nicely.  The picture doesn't show the sparkle very well but I assure you it's there.  This was where it had got to last time I showed you.
I took it to the knitting group a week or so ago and one of my lovely friends said that they find that if a scarf (or any other garment) has some metallic in it it seems to be warmer.  I'm sure she's right too.  

It's really cozy too and isn't scratchy - before anybody asks!!!  I love this as an 'end of the evening' project when BC3 is almost ready for bed.   A few rows of crochet after an evening sorting out a tatting pattern really gives a sense of achievement and relaxation.  

24 August 2023

Patchwork progress!!

A rare, rare thing happened back here in Chez Jane a week or two ago.  I ventured into Pinterest!!!  I do NOT use that platform if I can ever help it but I wanted some inspiration for my patchwork adventure.  

This is what I found which really has got my creative juices flowing.  

Remember, though, this is for my bedroom table and I want it all in blue!!!   Let's see what happens next.

23 August 2023

One and a half!

Socks, that is!!!  Now I'm at the stage (well, 1½" to go) when I'll soon need to start putting on stitches for the calf of the second one (lower picture).  Liz wants them knee length which is fine by me but takes a tad longer and also needs to be 'moulded' round the calf. 
I did the first one as you'll see and that's fits fine and I'm really chuffed with it.  Thankfully for the second calf all I have to do is follow my notes - IF I can understand them, that is!!!  

This is the joy of knitting from toe to cuff - you can try them on and see EXACTLY where these little foibles have to be addressed.  All I did is say 'hello calf' and it was a case of 'job done'.  Well, not really - i did need a tape measure to help me!!!

I'm going to make her another pair and I know exactly which yarn she wants but have resisted buying it until the 'end is nigh'!!!  

22 August 2023

Katie V’s alien

Today I've had permission to share this wonderful little bag that Katie V made for her granddaughter.  I'm going to HAVE to have a go at this bag sometime.  This is what Katie says.

"Hi, Jane, 
My granddaughter is "into" Stranger Things" and asked for a bag of this fabric--so what could be stranger than for a red alien to find a new home there!
Thank you!!!
Katie V in NC"

I asked about the pattern and Katie gave me this link which I've saved in my 'notes' ready for when I've got time!!!!

While I'm showing an alien - are there anymore 'out there' ready to go on the TIAS blog?

21 August 2023

Finding an old friend again

Some years ago the library in Stratford decided to start up a craft group which I thought was a great idea.  I toddled along and quickly made new crafty friends.  Sadly one died since then but I still see one of them around the town from time to time.
Now in that group was an elderly (by that I mean EVEN older than me) lady who was a really, really avid crafter.  Sadly she doesn't get out much nowadays and I lost touch with her.  Often thought about her as she was so much into her craft work.  

A few weeks ago she got in touch with me which was GREAT.  She offered me the shuttles you can see below.  I went round to her place to pick them up and found her looking really well and surrounded by 'crafts in progress' including one that she was working on in the library!!!  

Sadly the craft group petered out - I think the time of the day it was meeting might've had something to do with that.  Who knows.  Most people want their lunch at 1 o'clock - not to go crafting!!!

I'm intrigued by the bone shuttle with the name on.  I think it says 'Walker'.  

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.