I know some of you will sympathise and some of you will giggle but I'm sure I've had burglars in the house. Either that or this house just deliberately hides things!!! I've spent two hours in my stash cupboard looking for some magnetic catches which I KNOW I've got in there somewhere. I'm beginning to think that there's been somebody in the house (probably during the night) who has stolen them. Nick wouldn't dare and Tilly the cat wouldn't be interested but ...... I can't find them. Anyway, I did unearth some sequins!!! I am hoping to get back to playing with sequins again. I spotted my tatted bag during my search too and also remembered the sequin mobile and tatted box that I did in the past too. So, after making another bracelet this evening (as if I NEED more bracelets!!) I shall go back to playing with sequins!!! The first picture shows the 'right side' in this experiment and the second shows how I covered the sequins when the back wasn't going to show (as on the bag). With the tatting bag I think I used a different outer round.
I do wish I'd written it all down!!!
I do wish I'd written it all down!!!