Well I did warn you that you wouldn’t like this post!!! If you read this post you can see what I said!!!
I think this was the worst tatting I ever made. I can remember making this not long after I bought the Ed and Selma Morin book on needle tatting. I actually made this up myself (designed!!??) and it’s needle tatted with double knitting yarn (which is what was available cheaply and locally) back in the 1970’s.
I never wore it and I think the reason was because it’s a ‘nasty’ shade of pink!!!! I like pink but not this shade!!! Also back ‘in the day’ it wasn’t fashionable, I don’t believe, to layer your clothes. Well, whatever the reason it never got worn and last week it took its final trip to the charity shop. Even though I never liked it I’m now wondering if it went into the ragman bag or was put for sale in the shop. Whatever/wherever it is all I can say is that I’m glad to be rid of it1!!
I did keep the giraffes, though!!!!