I can date this picture - it was around the 1970/80's and was done shortly after I'd bought Ed and Selma Morin's new and revolutionary needle tatting book (and the needles too) from America. In those days I had to buy dollars from the bank and then send them off with a letter to the address I'd found. This had to go by surface mail as airmail was far too expensive. It was my first sighting of needle tatting since Ed developed it to help Selma continue a craft she loved. She was a shuttle tatter who sadly lost her sight. As far as I can find out this way of making knots may have been tried earlier in the century but obviously didn't 'catch on' for reasons which I can understand!
I quite liked this picture but it never got finished off or framed as you can see. I was already making the giraffes as earrings in a size 20 thread. I thought I was going to get on OK with needles - BUT when I tried with a fine needle and fine (as in size 20) thread I realised it was NOT the same as shuttle tatting. Too 'puffy' for me and not what I call 'lacy' looking.
Another day I'll show you a large project that I needle tatted but be prepared - it's UGLY. REALLY ugly.