7 January 2022

Things might slow down now

Before I start today - don’t forget that next Wednesday is the start of the TIAS (Tat It And See).

Here are rounds 2 & 3 and I think things might just get a bit serious soon.  So far it's been pretty straightforward.  

I will be looking for an experienced test tatter at some point.  One who has two balls of thread in size 20 and who can check also that I've got my front side/back side instructions correct too!!!  Bit of an ask but my last test tatter who helped greatly with the other Dutch patterns has disappeared into the ether!!!  Please contact me via email if you feel you can commit to this challenge.

6 January 2022

Round 1

From what was originally a square the shape has morphed into a circle.  Interesting and the beauty of it so far is that it lies flat!!!  Beautifully FLAT!!!

I think I can admit that I'm now seriously addicted to this challenge although sometimes I find the translation a little confusing!!!!

4 January 2022

Off to a good start - I think!

Well this is the centre of the doily.  I've chosen a colour that I don't particularly like but I did check before I started that I'd got two balls - just in case I run out.

The doily looks HUGE so I didn't want to run out at all.

I start this project (like the other translations I've done) by scanning the pattern.  Thankfully I forced my brain to learn touch typing when I was 50 and this makes life  a LOT easier.  

I have Google translate on one side of my screen and the jpg of the text on the other side.  I also use 'markup' and make a line that I can move down the page on the jpg as I work otherwise I get into a real mess!!!  I don't speak Dutch so it can prove quite a challenge.

Then every so often I copy the translated text onto a blank copy of Pages.  I work in the cloud so that I can access the whole thing when I sit down eventually to try and work out what I need to do.  Each row is then re-written in 'Jane' so that I can understand what I'm doing.  This is not for the fainthearted!!! 

3 January 2022

The doily I've chosen

Am I bonkers or am I bonkers?  No, you don't have to answer that.

This is the doily that I've chosen to translate and work up from this book.

What attracted me to this particular one is the swirly effect.  Can you see that it swirls in two different directions too.  I'm going to have to get BC3 out and polished up before I tackle this one!!!!  

As usual I will be re-writing this in 'Jane' and will try and find out who the designer is or rather, was.  If anybody can offer me a clue on this I'd be very, very grateful.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.