7 January 2022

Things might slow down now

Before I start today - don’t forget that next Wednesday is the start of the TIAS (Tat It And See).

Here are rounds 2 & 3 and I think things might just get a bit serious soon.  So far it's been pretty straightforward.  

I will be looking for an experienced test tatter at some point.  One who has two balls of thread in size 20 and who can check also that I've got my front side/back side instructions correct too!!!  Bit of an ask but my last test tatter who helped greatly with the other Dutch patterns has disappeared into the ether!!!  Please contact me via email if you feel you can commit to this challenge.


God's Kid said...

That looks great!! :)

Tallytatty said...

Dear Jane, I don't have time to test tat this. I can, however, give you some translations if you want. ( I have the magazine) I have the book. I trust that the finished work will be lovely! I also love the swirl!

Jane Eborall said...

Oh, Tallytatty if you can give me any information on who actually needs to be approached (publisher and/or copyright owner) I’d be very grateful. I’m trying to find out what date this was originally published too. The translation is done, thanks as it’s a pretty straightforward pattern. Thank you SOOOO much for offered to help. Much appreciated.

West Pine Creations said...

This one looks interesting. I'll test tat it for you. I love the last Dutch doilies. I'll email you.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.