20 September 2024

So many presents.

Here are three shuttles that I was given while I was at Palmetto Tat Days.  Aren't they gorgeous?
I have quite a collection now even though I've never deliberately bought many shuttles over the years. 

My first really antique one was given to me when I was fifteen - after I'd been tatting for a couple of years.  The lady who gave it to me was Mrs Wildig and she lived in a thatched cottage in Shottery.  It's a treasure.  Back in 1956 when I started tatting I could pop into local shops and buy new Milwards or Aero's anytime I liked and the thread was very cheap too.  A 'pocket money' hobby for me!!

1 comment:

Liyarra said...


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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.