18 September 2024

Just to prove

That I really did go to Palmetto Tat Days I'm going to show you some pictures.  One of all the mountains and one that I really love which shows our one and only Georgia Seitz.  So good to see her and all my other friends - plus, hopefully, new friends too.  


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

It does look like a lovely place to meet with others and share the joy of tatting!

Jane Eborall said...

It is/was and I'm pleased they're going to go back again next year too.

Hallie said...

And you proved I was in your Candlestick class. :-) Lots of fun. Today I'm going to work on your This Way and That Way Snowflake; since that class was full I bought the Tat Days pattern files!

SWtrompeter said...

"Our" mountains are really pretty. Not breathtaking like some mountain ranges, but still very pretty. :) I'm glad you had a great time at Tat Days. AND glad you enjoyed the mountain views, too.

Jane McLellan said...

So wonderful to be able to attend.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.