29 March 2020

I did it!!!!

Well who would've thought it could be SOOOOO simple!!!

This is the problem with BC3. He over thinks things when designing and 'clutters' things up. When I sat back and looked at yesterday's post I could see instantly that it didn't 'need' that other row of chains. This is a LOT better and I'm sticking with it.

Now although this looks simple there is a nifty 'trick' or 'technique' in it. Not sure it's a real 'technique' but it's darn useful!!!! I'll explain it all clearly on the pattern.

Now did I hear a little voice asking 'when is the pattern going to be available'? Answer - when I get roundtoit and probably next week. I need to play with it a bit more before I'm completely happy!!!

I thought that this lockdown 'lark' would give me hours and hours of time to tat etc but all it's done is enable me to tidy the craft stuff up (and, dare I tell you, untidy it again) and start Spring cleaning. Where is my tatting time?

24 March 2020


Was fabric day!!! No, I haven't finished the threads but this sort of overlapped as I knew that a bag I was stuffing fabric in would probably better be used for threads! If you can't follow that then I can assure you that I can't either!!!

Lockdown has worsened here in the UK so the opportunity to tidy the rest of the house and do a 'proper' Spring clean is imminent after the big craft project tidy up!!! 


The following pictures are work in progress.  I pressed some of the badly crumpled pieces and put them in piles of large pieces, smaller ones and those which may do for another patchwork project sometime in the future.  All this was done on the bed as that's the largest free flat space in the house!!!

23 March 2020

Due to the virus

I'm taking time out to tidy up!!

Things have to be pretty desperate for me to need to find things to do as normally my life is full of activities which all, obviously, mean meeting people and having fun. So, to fill in the gaps I've started on a MAJOR sort out and tidy up.

I've done the bead section already - it wasn't that bad and was all in roughly the same place. The threads are the same but I've decided to change the places where they're kept. Also there's going to be some overlap of 'types' of threads too. I used to keep all the Lizbeth 20 (which is mostly what I use) in one set of storage boxes but have decided to try another way. 

Today (although I haven't really finished the threads) I'm going to tackle the fabric as some of the bags I use for that maybe useful for an overflow of other bits and bobs including thread.

It's amazing how much I'm enjoying this task but probably only because there's no time scale of 'going back to normal' to make me hurry up!!!

20 March 2020

Playing with the new sequins

Now what I didn't tell you about the new sequins is that they are cupped too. I've shown you this motif twice - once from the greenish sequin's side and the other from the pinkish one. I turned the motif upside down on the scanner platen which makes me one VERY clever lady!!!! The energy involved must've caused me to lose several kilos of weight!!  I was proud of myself!!!

If anybody wants to know if I'll be sharing the pattern then the answer is NO. 


Well cause I just ain't happy with it at all. I'm going to continue playing with it and (hopefully) simplifying it too. THEN I'll share it!!!

19 March 2020

Four diamond motifs

Also slowly continuing is the diamond motif project. 

I'm getting quite pleased with the colours now that I've added another of the darker motifs. This will slowly progress along with the knitted blanket. 

Meanwhile I need to play with the sequins!!!

18 March 2020

I let myself down!

Now I've self isolated myself from any craft vending places since my return from America last September. Why? Well I've got a bulging tatting cupboard FULL of inspiration!!!! That's true although it wouldn't be quite so 'bulging' if I tidied it up yet again!!!

Last week I was a little bit early for one of my teaching sessions in the library. No, not tatting but helping other 'oldies' with technology, laptops, computers (the library assign two to us for our sessions), tablets of all varities, phones and even (once!) a digital radio!!! 

Anyway, I digress. Unfortunately opposite the library is a shop called The Works and it does often give me inspiration. Well as I had a few minutes to kill I wandered in there and that's what happened - inspiration. I bumped into these sequins!!!! 

I think I must've been born a magpie as they love bright and glittery things too so this packet accidentally fell into my hands. I was particularly intrigued as these have holes on the opposite sides. Just two - 'top and bottom' or, if I want to be pedantic with myself - 'left side and right side'!!!!!

Time to play, methinks.

17 March 2020


While I'm not tatting and am wondering what to do I pick up the blanket that I started back here.

I like the way it's working out at the moment but it doesn't appear to be making a lot of difference to my stash even when I sit on all those balls of yarn!!!!! 

My speed at continental knitting is improving vastly. That's another good reason to carry on although when I do another knitting project which has purl in it it might slow me down!!!

16 March 2020

My hare has come home

I nearly forgot to tell you all this. My hare is home!!!

Do you remember that I spent a day making him with a local teacher? Well if you missed that then here's the link and on that page is a link to the amazing work that she does herself.

I must admit I enjoyed that day out more than I can tell you so I've booked myself in to a chicken making day!! This will be fun as I 'share' 8 (oops, sorry, that's 6 now as 2 died) chickens with neighbours and we take turns in looking after them. I can 'almost' talk chicken now!!!!

I love my little hare. He looks sort of whimsical - or is that terrified?

13 March 2020

Friday 13th - another way!

This is NO April fool at all. In fact quite the opposite and the only 'fools' would be those who don't give this a whirl!!!

This is the other way to work a split chain which Judith and I have been discussing and working on together. The 'Australian' split chain. I've had the cheek to call it that for two reasons. 

One, it was 'born' there and
Two, you do sort of turn the chain upside down to work it although you don't really!!!!  Least you don't have to stand on your OWN head!!!

The only way you're going to see the advantage of this is to 'do it yourself'!!!!

A good way of teaching this method is, as Judith mentioned, to show new students how to make it on a cabone (curtain) ring - see below a diagram from Judith. I reckon that's a great idea even just to teach yourself!!!!  

12 March 2020

New (to ME) split chain technique

Now I was really gobsmacked by this. Although she doesn't claim it as 'hers' (bet it was really as she's one VERY clever tatter) I will always think of Judith Connors and thank her for not only showing me this but also helping me to get the page right too.

I've always used the technique shown to me by Marie Smith but after doing one split chain this way I've completely forgotten the 'old way'!!!!!

The page will be ready tomorrow and I'll blog the link here but, believe me - it's a winner, winner chicken dinner!!!

Judith did point out that this was all done by Dora Young originally and the diagrams were good too. I think following tatters just complicated the issue which is easily done!!!

11 March 2020

Trying to downsize the stash!

I have yarn. Not too much, but more than I really want/need at the moment.  There’s around a carrier bag ‘and a bit’ of yarn lurking and glaring at me.  All odds and ends I’ve acquired over the past few years.  I want/need it GONE.

I decided to start a blanket either for a local care home or for those who have no home and live on the streets.

My issue with blankets whether knitted or crocheted is that you have to sew or join the motifs at the end and I’m no great lover of that!!! So I decided to go in search of a pattern that you could join the motifs on as you work the blanket.

I found this pattern and thought I’d give it a go. As you know I’ve recently taught myself to knit the continental way and now find it pretty fast. I followed the instructions for the first four squares and found it quite straightforward. Now to expand after the red one is done.

9 March 2020

Three times six makes eighteen

I didn’t really like that pink and white diamond motif next to the purple and green one. Too much of a contrast, I think.

Anyway, I had another rummage through my size 40 threads and came up with the lighter purple (lavender?) and a darker pink which seem to have taken the ‘starkness’ off that contrast. I’m going with this for now and we’ll see what happens!!!

4 March 2020

Back to diamonds

During my English Paper Piecework experience I have been still playing around with the diamonds though not a lot, I must admit. I also managed to get the Koala pattern done too as you probably remember.  Sometimes (like the koala) a ‘good idea’ happens and you have to go with it!!!

Here are two posts about the diamonds. First one here and the second one here.

My current 'problem' is going to be what to do next!!! I'm hopeless at planning ahead so always 'go with the flow' - just like I did with the patchwork!!!!! This story is to be continued!!!!

2 March 2020

Patchwork finished

Well here it is. I spent a LOT of time working on this over the past week or so - just to get it finished. I couldn't face another round of hexagons!!!

Here are some facts and figures about it - that's if I've done my maths right!!!!

There are 61 big hexagons altogether and each large one has one hexagon in the middle surrounded by 24 diamonds. 

Altogether that'll be 1,464 diamonds in the hexagons!!! 

Edging pieces which will need another 144 diamonds making in total 1,608 altogether!!!

So, do you want to see it?  Here it is!!!

28 February 2020

The possible insert

Well here's what I'm proposing to do to add to the final round. I'm also showing you what it's going to be backed onto as well so you can see my conundrum!!! 

I'll sew these inserts on (if that's what I decide) and then put the backing fabric wrong side up on the table. I'll then fold the sides of the backing fabric upwards and tuck them under the EPP cloth. This'll all take a lot of mumbling and grumbling and accuracy but hopefully very little of the backing will show on the finished piece. We'll see - this is still just speculation!!!!

26 February 2020

Well I promised!!

Here's the update on the cloth.

Yes, it finally has a finishing post and a reason to 'be'!!!  It's going to be a cloth.  Not sure I'll ever use it but you never know!!! It'll certainly cheer up a dark spot in anybody's house although sun glasses might be needed as it's rather bright!!!

I'm pleased with it so far but am now debating on the finishing off.  

I think I'm going to make inserts where the big hexagons meet on that final round.  I'll do one this evening and show you tomorrow and then I'll decide if I need to do another 23 or just finish it off as it is!!!  

24 February 2020

Thanks to Julibeth

I've got something to talk about today!!! 

I'm sorry about the blog going quiet but I'm frantically working on getting my big EPP (patchwork) finished. I'll show you progress later this week so don’t give up on me!!!

Julibeth has joined the Exclusive Tatting Club and you can find her entry right at the bottom of this page here.

Thanks for the compliment too, Julibeth. Writing techniques and patterns really does keep me out of a lot of mischief although I do find it from time to time!!! Mischief, I mean. Well you need a bit of fun in life, eh?

Just to tease my readers I'm only putting one of the pictures on this post to 'encourage' you to go and look at the Exclusive Tatting Club and see what everybody's been doing!!!

21 February 2020

Final section

Well here it is - the thing you've been waiting for. Or not!!!

The final section of the final round of the EPP. 

It's going to take me a while to get this 'lot' done but I'm enjoying doing them and the break from other crafty things. Tatting still happens as I'll never be able to give that up!!!!

Strange things have happened on these photos!!! The top one is the true colouring - the bottom one has been changed for some reason!!!

17 February 2020

Not a lot!

Well I’m afraid I’m not going to have a lot to show you this week!!! 

Life has become somewhat disrupted lately due to this, that and t’other so I’ve not had the energy to think of something new to do or say!!! A relief some of you might say!!!

I am, however plodding along with the EPP project. That’s English Paper Piecework for those who (like me!) need a translation. I’ve always called it patchwork but I live and I learn! 

I will keep you updated later this week on progress.

14 February 2020

Decisions, decisions and no decisions!!!

I agonise over colours when starting (and during) projects!!

As I’ve probably mentioned before I need another new project to take out and about so decided that I’d do a diamond patchwork one like I’ve done many times before. This time in a size 40 as I do like the lacy look of 40 and it’s easier to pick up and put down too. 

You’ve seen the pink diamond motif before back here and the pink is here.  I no longer have the pink one it as I didn’t like it very much and gave it away!!! So I made the green and lilac/purple (not sure how to describe that colour!) and am happier with that. Problem I now have is choosing more colours to go with it. I tried the green and yellow combination (bottom right in the top picture) but that didn’t look right to me. So, all my size 40 threads came out and I’m still trying to decide!!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.