I am pleased to announce that a supply of 'England' Aeros have arrived home with me safely. These are the 'Rolls Royces' of the Aero bobbin shuttles and far superior (but I can never see why!) to those made in Germany. All I can think is that they changed the moulding or the quality of the plastic.
I will start listing them on Ebay and/or Etsy just after Christmas. No point now as nobody would get them before the 'festive season'. Just can't believe my luck - a few will be put aside for my 'old age' and my sister wants a few too. The rest can fly round the world to whoever wants them. Only hope they go to good homes where they will be used and loved!!!

Hi Jane,
I can't wait to see them on Ebay! They look great.
Hi Jane! PLease let me know when you're gona post them! I would love to have a couple of them, since Aeros and Clovers are my favorite! I may have to wait until traveling back to home to play with them, but mom will keep them safe until I can get them. That is, if I manage to get a couple of them! LOL
Hi Jane
I'm keen on getting them but I wonder if you would mind sending them via air freight to me in Singapore. Please do contact me. Thanks.
Hi Valerie
Please contact me on my email address and I'll let you know more!!!
Jane (janeeborall @ btinternet.com)
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