This one has been a real pain! I've almost thrown it out of the window on numerous occasions. I've spent most evenings this week 'fiddling' with it!! The main problem now is just the length of the legs - the ones at the bottom of this scan. There is only one showing here and that's too long!!! I've re-written the text to shorten it and have changed the method of working it quite a bit too. The second leg which you can just see started behind it is coming out at the wrong angle so again this needs to be rectified. I've tried the head once and that wasn't too bad but have since re-drawn it. There's no way this creature can be worked, I feel, without cutting and tying after the second lower leg.

I think I've nearly got the back legs right at last!!! I'll 'tweak' them on the next one to make them a little better. This animal has claws which is what the cut picots at the end of the feet represent. Hey, ho, off to attack the face now!! Hopefully when this is done the guesswork and teasing will be over. Just below is the latest attempt done this afternoon.

Lion? Tiger? or Bear? OH MY! LOL Am I closer though?
No, no and no again!!!! Sorry - this is a much more unusual animal!!!
Jane who LOVES to tease!!!
A dragon?
No, not a dragon!! This is an animal which lives in South Africa. They live in packs and are really rather cute!!!!
oooo that's a good clue I'm going to have to think on it some more...
Looks like it's gonna be a Meerkat to me, I guessed that and went to write this comment and saw that you said it is from South Africa. It will be super!
Dublin Zoo has a Meerkat Restaurant where you can watch the animals playing on the other side of the glass...and they can watch you!!
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