Yesterday a small but priceless treasure arrived here in the UK. To say that I was gobsmacked would be a gross understatement. In this tiny and pretty little box were the dearest little turtles made by tatbit herself. I just can't tell you how beautiful they are and no pictures would do them justice. How Teri managed to tat these onto the cab is just beyond me. Even Nick was lost for words and that's a miracle in itself. His main question was 'how fine is that thread?'. They will travel with me to Palmetto and everywhere I go. Treasured beyond measure - I've never seen anything like these little turtles. Colours that tatbit used are amazing too. To see tatbit's blog click on the title of this post - I'm not sure how to do links in the message itself yet!!!!

1 comment:
Oh you lucky thing, tatbits turtles are DIVINE.
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