17 May 2024

Finished cardigan

Well here it is.  I managed to get it done just before the hot weather hit us last weekend.  I’ve really enjoyed knitting this garment but I’m now back to the shuttles and maybe get a little design finished that I started last year!!!  

Who knows!!!!


Tim Kaylor said...

Looks good. Does it fit?

GoldenMom said...

Wow! It's lovely Jane, and I'm sure it will keep you warm in future winters.

Jane McLellan said...

It’s really lovely, just what I need here as winter begins!

Jane Eborall said...

Yes. Tim, I’m very pleased to say that it does fit. I’m really chuffed with it.

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely sweater, and I'm sure you will enjoy wearing it once the chilly weather returns.

Karen in Oregon said...


Hallie said...

Beautiful! Here it was 86° F yesterday (30C).I hope your weather is more appropriate for sweater wearing than that! And of course there's always next fall.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Lovely! I did get the pattern so that I can be just like Jane... if I ever get around to knitting it!

God's Kid said...

Great! :)

Crazy Mom! said...

This is a gorgeous sweater - and practical too! I know you'll enjoy wearing it. You did a fabulous job.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.