Hello Jane, thank you for sharing this wonderful article, I enjoyed learning a little bit of your early history with tatting! Your designs are works of art and is my go to when I want to tat something 💖
So interesting, thanks for showing us the article. Hooray for the internet that has enabled generous people like you to teach and help us wherever we are in the world.
Love this article, Jane! AND it's interesting to read about your philosophy regarding having fun with tatting! You have definitely achieved that goal time and time again, and your willingness to share with others is amazing. Fun read. I remember the days here in the USA when it was difficult to find many published patterns, shuttles, and threads. The internet has been good for us to be able to share with others across the globe! Thanks for all you do!
Very interesting, Jane. The 80s seem so long ago now……
Hello Jane, thank you for sharing this wonderful article, I enjoyed learning a little bit of your early history with tatting! Your designs are works of art and is my go to when I want to tat something 💖
You've not changed over the years. Still pretty as before.
I finally found a way to post! Firefox has been blocking me. Still no idea why.
WOW, WOW, WOW!!! That was very interesting and sounds just like you from my personal visit with you last year!!! ❤️
Thank you for sharing. This whole article of you back when sure sounds like you now. You design such cool things and you share so generously.
So interesting, thanks for showing us the article. Hooray for the internet that has enabled generous people like you to teach and help us wherever we are in the world.
Oh what fun! Lovely to see a picture of you from long ago, before most of us even thought of the internet! Great story AND picture.
Sorry, that last Anonymous was me. Thanks for sharing a really fun article with us!!
Wonderful article! You really always make crafts more fun!
Love this article, Jane! AND it's interesting to read about your philosophy regarding having fun with tatting! You have definitely achieved that goal time and time again, and your willingness to share with others is amazing. Fun read. I remember the days here in the USA when it was difficult to find many published patterns, shuttles, and threads. The internet has been good for us to be able to share with others across the globe! Thanks for all you do!
Delightful article!
How are you? Miss your posting!
Doing OK thanks, Anonymous. Just haven’t time to blog at the moment. Hope to be back in a couple of months.
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