29 May 2006

More wings!

Rain stopped gardening AGAIN. Here are my final (I think) wings on the pig.

28 May 2006

Another flying pig!!

Sue suggested that those other wings weren't quite right so here's a third attempt. Second attempt - in the trash!!!

An alternative pig!

Thanks, Gina!!! Now I see flying pigs everywhere!!!!

27 May 2006

One of my 'smallies'

Another wet day so back to the onion ring pig. It's now looking more pig like!!
Now, what did Gina say about wings? Must google 'flying pigs'!!!

26 May 2006

Round 3 - where will it end?

Well, now I'm here I might as well put the next round up!!!! This is more Autumnal with a darker green on the second shuttle and deeper colours on shuttle 1.
The reason for this mat is to use up my stash of no. 60's, 70's and 80's and adding filament threads of all sorts. This has given the mat a very firm feel to it and the motif holds it's shape well. In the top right hand corner the last (Winter) round has just been started with very deep green and the shuttle one will have brown/tan colours.

8 May 2006

Round 2!

I forgot I'd started this blogging lark so missed out on showing round 2 of this 'epic'. Here it is in all it's 'glory'. I think it'll get named the 'Gardening Year' mat!!! The central motif being in Spring colours and this round in Summer ones.

What AM I doing here?

Monday morning and I ask myself what I'm doing with a blog!!!! Probably cause it's raining and there's nowt else to do!!!!
Well, as I'm here I might as well admit to my latest piece of work - this motif!!!
Tat's all there is for now!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.