After yesterday's attempt I decided to start again. I find this nearly always happens with me! I drew the tail again with two alternative ways of working it.

When I finally settled down to try it out last night I quickly decided that the drawing on the left was a 'no go'. Can't say why but it felt wrong. I went with the drawing on the right. You will see from the tatted sample below that this is fairly good for a first attempt. I then went on round to complete the back of the leg (the one nearest the tail) and the other leg too. I think the first leg needs 'fattening up' and the tail needs to be a tad longer. The other leg needs more work but I think it only needs 'tying in' to the previous one with a picot. I've started on the joey too but this will have to be done again - at the moment it looks rather like one of those dreadful things whicih comes out of somebody's stomach in those awful horror movies. Do I feel another 'start again' coming over me? So far, though, so good. It looks quite like a kangaroo and it's still on the way to being achieved in one 'round'.

I love watching the progression of your work! Thanks for sharing!
She is so cute Jane, I can't wait to try this one.
OMG she's loveeelllyyy!!!!!!
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