The first pair are white and silver and have red beads. Why am I telling you that when you can see for yourselves? Duh!!!
The second pair (when the other one arrives!) is/will be black with a silver filament running through. I would love to know anybody/everybody's opinions on these as I am thinking of putting some in my Etsy shop and/or on Ebay. I shall make some more in traditional green but want to try something different. Maybe even bright pink next?????!!!!!!!!!!
I have to finish these off as you can tell by the lack of findings and the 'tails' running from the bottom bead!

Hi Jane,
Some people will want the traditional colour, but some will like the funky colours especially if they are into colour co-ordination with their outfit! Well, tat's my opinion anyway!
Linda S
Hi Jane,
I agree with Linda. I would go for the green... if I could wear earrings! Any plans for Christmas stick pins?
Oh they are both fabulous! Yes, put them in your shop. They are too cool!
They're just perfectly wonderful, Jane. I really like the white an red ones. But, hey! Doing them in various colors would take a lot of us back to our childhoods and all those trees flocked in shocking colors or even aluminum trees lit by a color wheel. Do it!
I really like the silver & red ones! Very nice!
There are people who do not like anything other than the traditional green trees. There are those who adore everything but. There are a few who like to color coordinate. I'd say post 'em. You're bound to be found by someone who likes them.
I agree with all of the above, especially the part about going back to our childhoods. So many bright lights in every color. I also like the red and white ones very much. Go for it!
Hey Jane,
This is cute!!! :)
Okay, Jane. Where's the pattern? Is there one, really, or did you make it up.
The pattern was originally published in a magazine in the UK about fifteen to twenty years ago. I've 'modernised' it several times over the years. If you want a copy then email me privately and I'll send it to you!!!
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