Linda posted a comment about the kangaroo yesterday which made me think and take another look at it. She asked if I'd altered the stitch count as the back looked different. Well I have to admit it did look naff but I'd not tweaked that part. You see when I work a pattern I believe that it should naturally lie flat (unless it's 3D, of course!!). So when I fling something onto the ironing board I just damp and press. I must've flung it down wrongly so this morning I have gently pulled it into shape and pressed it again!!! Looks a lot better now!!
Yesterday I had a good day, a very good day. I got accepted back at blood donor and have now 'done' my 68th donation!!! Simple things please simple people!!!

I wondered why that poor roo had a flat butt!! Glad you ironed things out with her and gave her a little padding back there ;)
XOXO SOJ (who is has that secretary spread and could use a flat butt!!)
Jane, the kangaroo looks awesome. Thanks for posting your false starts as well. It gives us newbies a view into the world of design. Great work.
Oh now she is perrrfecttt!!! What a difference a little tweaking does! LOL. Looking forward to seeing the pattern in the near future.
Yes, she is just beautiful now, Jane - but I am afraid that when I tat her, I will think of Reverend Mother.......
Thank you for this - I can't wait for my Guild Magazine to get here!
I'm so glad all you had to do was a little ironing. Ironing is much easier than tweaking, huh? I was so busy looking at their precious faces that I didn't even notice the flat back!
Why the Reverend Mother, Maureen? I'm intrigued!!
LOL - see my previous comment where I said that the esteemed nun used to walk up and down the chapel pews with a ruler - which she had to be able to pass behind our backs at all times, to make sure we were "sitting up straight"! The straight-backed kangaroo immediately brought that back to me......
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