I had the saddest news yesterday. My dear friend Gina (tattinggoddess) died on Monday.
Gina and I met online many years ago and I enjoyed her wonderful friendship. We gossiped and exchanged ideas and eventually met at one of the early Palmetto Tat Days. We didn't always agree on everything and she was always a calming influence when I got my knickers in a twist about things.
One year she and I met in Tennessee and she took me down to Tat Days and gave me a lift back to Cincinnati afterwards. What a wonderful time I spent with her that weekend. We met again a few years ago when she and Gale 'kidnapped' me for a day in Cincinnati.
Last July we met once more when she drove all the way from Lafayette to Cincinnati to spend a day with me again. We hunkered down in her motel room after lunch and just talked and talked tatting!!! She gave me the sweetest little RPL bell which you can see below. She showed me lots of her work too which she kept in very well organised folders. A wonderful afternoon. This is the only photo either of us took where she has the backdrop of sunflowers. That to me sums her up.
Last September she hadn't appeared in my inbox for a few days so I sent her a message to say she was 'too quiet'. She replied with the news about her fall at work and the subsequent finding of the cancer in her lung. I went through that dreadful journey with her. The down days and the good days. The days when sleep was all she wanted and the days when she moved stuff round the house in her ongoing attempt to 'tidy things up'. Sadly her new curtains will never be made now.
Sometimes she'd be up in the middle of 'her' night and would release comments on her blog which would land up in my inbox. I'd hit reply to tell her to go back to bed. That always amused her. She was SO brave and SO positive and finally a few weeks ago came the good news - she was in remission.
Sometimes she'd be up in the middle of 'her' night and would release comments on her blog which would land up in my inbox. I'd hit reply to tell her to go back to bed. That always amused her. She was SO brave and SO positive and finally a few weeks ago came the good news - she was in remission.
Things were looking good a few weeks ago and Gina offered to test tat the goat for me. I thought everything was going really well - and then ..........
Gina, I'll miss you SO, SO much. My time in tat land will never be the same without you to gossip and giggle with.
Dear Jane, please accept my sympathies!
I am in shock. First, my sympathies for you and all of us out in Tatland. She was one of the inspirations that kept me tatting and eventually starting my blog. I know it may sound a little off, never have met her in real life, but I feel like I've just lost a close friend. I'm sorry to have hijacked your comment box to express my own sadness.
Awful, horrible news - hard to take in, as she had said that things were going so well. I met her in 2004 when she came to Brisbane on holiday, and at that time she met my son, as he was still living at home as a student. She's been very supportive during his own serious illness, and I, too, will miss her emails and her calming influence.
A heart felt and sincere tribute Jane, the tatting world is going to be poorer without Gina in it and you and many others have lost a good friend.
Dearest Jane,
I too am in shock since hearing the sad news of Gina's passing. She was one of my earliest inspirations and champion of learning to tat. She was quite the supporter of all things lace. Even though I never met her in person, I feel like I knew her. That's how much she touched me. I will miss her too. I'm so glad you got to meet her. Imoshen, I too apologize and you said my feelings.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. I didn't know Gina at all, of course, but her blog was one I always looked at. The links on her blog were different to the ones on your blog, so she was my gateway to a slightly different world. My sympathies to her family and friends.
I'm going to miss her very much too.
Not being a blogger myself, please Jane pass on my my sympathy to Gina's friends and family at this sad time. She will be sorely missed in tatland.
Gina was a wonderful lady, and I will always treasure my memories of time spent with her both online and in person. I share your sadness.
My thoughts are with you and her family, I only found her blog last year but I feel very sad at the loss of a wonderful tatted, I hope she is tatting with the angels.
Oh Jane, how bless you are for meeting and spending time with Gina. I am like most of us in 'tat-land' never had the honor of meeting her, but I was truly bless by our on-line friendship. She will be missed.
Thanks for sharing about your time together. What a wonderful memory!
Jane - I am so very glad you got to share such wonderful time with Gina. I, too, will miss my online friend.
Jane sending you the biggest hug ever. I was never lucky enough to know Gina personally but she sounds a wonderful lady and my condolences go out to her family, friends and tat land for such a great loss
This was devastating news to receive yesterday afternoon. I was quite disbelieving as I read Isdahara's and Diane's posts.
Thank you, Jane, for being 'with' and comforting Gina last Fall when most of us had no idea what she was going through. I'm so glad you had also met and visited with her on several occasions.
Gina's posts were always cheerful last Fall, and, as usual, full of useful information and exceptional tatting and other needlework - and artwork. Then on Jan. 9 came our realization of her difficulties plus the great news that she was in remission. I remember being stunned and relieved at the same time. Then she just kept posting in her usual cheerful way.
I had wondered why she had been 'silent' since Feb.4, but she had sometimes taken a break in posting so I didn't think too much about it.
While feeling overwhelmed with sadness, I began to review Gina's blog, and I realized that her 9th blogaversary was - Feb. 13. I was absolutely stunned. Then I remembered that last year she had a giveaway to eight tatters to celebrate her 8th, and I was one of the lucky recipients of a surprisingly large box of goodies. I had forgotten what time of year I received it; then it all came back.
Gina was so generous in so many ways, and I feel as though I have lost a dear friend, even though we never met in person. I have so many other thoughts but am at a loss right now to express them.
What a nice tribute to Gina. I only know her through her blog and some emails when I was a lucky winner of one of her give-aways! She will be terribly missed.
This sad news is so very difficult to come to terms with. The grief in Tat-land is deep. Thank you for this tribute to Gina and for the wonderful picture of her standing so happily, so Gina-like, amidst flowers that she so loved.
What a huge loss to those of us in the tatting world - but I feel, Jane, your loss is ever so much deeper. While many of us have lost an inspiration and a wonderful source of information, you have lost a very dear friend.
Thank you for the wonderful tribute you posted here. My thoughts go out to you, to the other tatters out there who knew her personally, and to Gina's family.
I am sorry for your loss. I only recently came to know Gina, she was taking an online class with me. This was a very nice tribute to her.
I love the happy picture of Gina, I too am shocked...I was so pleased to hear she was in remission...poor Gina, and her family.
Thank you for your lovely post for Gina. There will be a whole in our hearts for her. She truly was a great lady.
It's been a very, very sad day after getting the email from Georgia about Gina. Even though I never met her in person I felt I knew her having followed her blog and earlier on her Yahoo-group.
Thanks for sharing your memories from the meetings you've had with her. Gina will live on in the dear memories many tatters have of her from her blog and Yahoo-group and all the good tips she shared with us all. I know I will miss her very much.
Jan e what a lovely tribute to Gina. My heart to her family, and also out to the many tatting friends that know her. Her blog was always the first blog I read in the morning and then I would go down the list. Gina will be miss.
Thank you for the lovely post for Gina. My heart goes out to her family and friends at this time.
She was a great lady.
oh what a lovely tribute, I'll miss reading Gina's blog. My prayers go out to the family and all that know her.
Its very hard to lose such a good friend. Even though you didn't spend alot of time face to face you had a connection. She was a rare lady.
Jane - I am so sorry! The news came as a total shock after the good news of her remission. The void in tatland will be huge! Sending you a cyber hug.
Lamento la perdida de Gina... He estado unos días fuera de la red... y a mi vuelta me he encontrado con esta triste noticia..... recibe mis condolencias como amiga personal de ella..... Un abrazo...Isabel
I regret the loss of Gina ... I have been a few days outside the network ... since my return I found this sad news ..... accept my condolences and personal friend of her ..... A hug ..
I regret the loss of Gina ... I have been a few days outside the network ... since my return I found this sad news ..... accept my condolences and personal friend of her ..... A hug ..
Lamento la perdida de Gina... He estado unos días fuera de la red... y a mi vuelta me he encontrado con esta triste noticia..... recibe mis condolencias como amiga personal de ella..... Un abrazo..
What a lovely tribute, after such a shock. I'm another one who followed Gina's blog, and she was kind enough to comment on mine. I can't believe it. I've just read the news on several blogs to make sure I read it right. A sad loss for the whole community, she will be missed.
Wonderful Eulogy - thank you.
I too will miss... We first corresponded waay back on Tat-chat & e-tatters. She saw me through many tough times with her wise advice and quickness to laugh... Bless I met her too at the same Palmettos. How time flies...
Thank you for being their for her...
Chin up Jane, these are hard times
Sue Hanson
my deepest sympathies to you and her family .. Its very hard to lose a friend or a family member to cancer or even a beloved pet.
I know its hard, but always remember the "good" times and special events and she will live on forever.
This is a beautiful tribute Jane! Big Hugs!
Thank you for sharing.
Hiya Janey oh Janey,
I love the bell that Gina gave to you. Her Romanian Point lace was one lace she could do and I was envy of. I believe she could make her cord and I have always stuggled with remembering how to make. Pat Pike it seems like every year has to show me again how to do it. I crochet left handed and so does Pat. The UTubes always show how it is done right handed and it is so hard for me to turn my brain around. Crocheting and writing is really the only thing I do left handed. I knit and tat right handed. I don't now why ...I just do. But I do love her Romanian point lace things she has made. I miss Gina already and the memorial Online made me cry today. I haven't cried in a long time. Thank you for your rememerance on your blog here...as soon as I figure out why my computer isn't reading my CDs I will get mine posted too.
Hiya Janey oh Janey,
I love the bell that Gina gave to you. Her Romanian Point lace was one lace she could do and I was envy of. I believe she could make her cord and I have always stuggled with remembering how to make. Pat Pike it seems like every year has to show me again how to do it. I crochet left handed and so does Pat. The UTubes always show how it is done right handed and it is so hard for me to turn my brain around. Crocheting and writing is really the only thing I do left handed. I knit and tat right handed. I don't now why ...I just do. But I do love her Romanian point lace things she has made. I miss Gina already and the memorial Online made me cry today. I haven't cried in a long time. Thank you for your rememerance on your blog here...as soon as I figure out why my computer isn't reading my CDs I will get mine posted too.
I have been off line for the last week and half, and I am so disheartened to come back to this news. Gina was a favorite of mine, we always chatted, shared email and had fun things to talk about no matter what. I am going to dearly miss her, I am sorry for your loss and every ones who dearly loved her as well.
Jane, your words of tribute to my sister were beautiful. Of all of her many many tatting friends she had, your name is so very familiar to me, for she spoke of you often. I met some of you when I traveled with her to New York to one of the tatting gatherings. It is hard to accept that she is gone but after reading some of these tributes I am realizing that physically she may be gone, but she has definitely left her mark forever in the hearts of many many people. I am in awe of how many lives she touched. Linda
Thank you, luckysister. What a lovely name you have. Gina was lucky too - she was lucky with having you as a sister. I have a lovely photo of you both together wearing wigs that she sent me. You are SO alike. Gina and I were talking of meeting up again this coming September. Sadly, so very sadly that can't now happen. There's a huge hole in my life - I miss her but I'm sure never as much as her family. I think of you all each day.
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