19 May 2014


Well that was a weekend and a half!!!! I listed the shuttles as promised and this time they seemed to go even faster. Unless it was my imagination!!

I got a tad confused at one point as I couldn't work out what was happening to the credit card payments - I'd recently set the shop to take payments that way. Soon found the right link so that was OK. 

Then there were the odd people who'd pressed the wrong button and landed up with the wrong shuttle so that money had to be refunded and the shuttle re-listed. Not a big problem, really. 

I spent all Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning packing them up. When I've done that I then have to check them before closing the packages. Imagine my horror when I had one shuttle showing it had been bought and no shuttle in my box!!!! Darn stinker had decided to hide itself on the floor. Then another went missing - that was in a packet where I'd had a re-list to do and I hadn't taken that shuttle out again!!! 

The relief when it all works out is amazing. I've still got to work out the rest of the costings (I keep a spreadsheet for Sally) and then send her the money I've collected for her. OH, before that - I've got to go down to the Post Office. Hope there isn't too long a queue behind me when I get served as I feel daggers being thrown at me!!!

Here's a Fandango bookmark to cheer you up!!!!


Jenn said...

Glad the upload went well and every shuttle was accounted for in the end :). Good luck at the PO :). Hopefully there is no line so you can take as long as you want sending the shuttles to their new homes :).

Another gorgeous bookmark :).

Maureen said...

You can bask in the knowledge that everyone really appreciates your work in packing and listing the shuttles - I'm looking forward to getting mine! On another note, could you, when you have time, write out the tail pattern for the bookmark? - I can see that it's split rings etc, but would much prefer to be following your design!

Unknown said...

Thank you for doing all this confusing admin to get these shuttles out... And for putting up with our misclicks and garbled emails.
34 shuttles gone after the first half hour - goes to show how much in demand these shuttles are.
So thank you to Sally +him in the garage for creating and to you Jane for organising ��

Jane McLellan said...

Quite a job you have there! Great that the shuttles are so popular.

Jane Eborall said...

Will do, Maureen.

rainbows and raindrops said...

Thank you for all your effort! I can't wait for my shuttle to arrive!!!

Tally Tatty said...

My mother would say : so sweet you are doing this for your sister!

God's Kid said...

Beautiful bookmark!!! :)

Sally Kerson said...

Agree Tally Tatty Jane is very sweet and good doing this for her little sister!

Kathy Niklewicz said...

That would be way too much stress for me, even at the post office, so I marvel at your ability to handle all this! So glad to see the great interest in these wonderful shuttles!

Ladytats said...

I had said I wouldn't be purchasing one this year so others could get a chance, well when there were a few left several hours after going live, I just couldn't hold out any longer. I had to get one. So Jeff Hamilton, he he, I am not all that good and I got one anyway.

linb54 said...

I thank you also. I knew it was a lot of work, but there's more involved than I imagined! You are a dear! I'm looking forward to getting my shuttles too! (hug) I hope to get to Palmetto to meet you this year? Linda

Pigmini said...

Our Internet went down and by the time it was sorted I'd missed them!😔must try harder next time! Enjoy all who managed to place an order!

Jeff Hamilton said...

They're addicting, aren't they? I managed to get one more as well, but not the one I was wanting. I blame Jane and Sally for reminding everyone Friday! I'm sure more of the wood that I wanted will be in the next batch.

Jeff Hamilton said...

It wasn't your imagination, they did go very fast this time. Unless I wasn't awake enough and was too slow. I'll be waiting for the next batch; I still want a Spalted Beech shuttle.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.