1 March 2017

Black bracelet

Well it gave me a HARD time when I wanted to dismantle it!!!! I sat and cussed on the floor wriggling the pliers (two pairs) backwards and forwards. Must compliment Marks and Spencer's for a well made item!!!!

I finally got it apart and then set out to try and decide what to do with it!!! Below is the first result. Sadly the photographs of my ancient wrist wearing it didn't come out too well. You can see from the background that it was a wet, wet and grey, grey day. I've no idea what I'm going to do with this so if anybody wants it they're very welcome. It's pretty sparkly but sort of elegant too. As you can imagine - I don't 'do' elegant!!!!

I have ideas for the other 24 metal rings so watch this space!!!!


Pigmini said...

I can see it's elegant Miss!! Black and Grey can go well together... but maybe try black and yellow and be a bumble bee?? VBG

Madtatter80 said...

Wow it reminds me of a watch at a really nice party😄💟😄

Madtatter80 said...

Wow it reminds me of a watch at a really nice party😄💟😄

Valerie said...

Totally pretty! I love it!

God's Kid said...

That looks pretty elegant!! :)

Kathy Niklewicz said...

You're much too critical. Looks great on your young wrist, and I would suggest you wear it and collect compliments! I imagine the other rings could be made into brooches in many colors, as well as more bracelets. Have you thought of putting a watch face in there 'somehow'?

Jane Eborall said...

Well it's not a young wrist!!!! 73 years old!!! I think it would be quite a problem getting a watch face 'anchored' to the ring but worth more thought.

Sally Kerson said...

If you don't want to wear it then give it to your little sister, it looks really elegant even on you!!!

Jane Eborall said...

It's yours. Remind me to send it back 'down south' next time 'im in the garage calls. Well, that's if I can still find it when he arrives!!!

Sandra Gerhart said...

I would love to have the pattern for this! My son's girlfriend would love it!

Jane Eborall said...

Well I wrote it down as I went along but it's a bit 'scruffy' and not sure it's understandable.

Tim Kaylor said...

Jane, I notice it has 10 connection points. If that could somehow be 12, it would almost be a watch.
You could use size 80 and make mini-dreamcatchers.

Jane Eborall said...

I tried 12 but it was too crowded and still would be in 80. If done in an 80 it also wouldn't have the impact and would be 'lost' in the centre. Now talking about dreamcatchers - keep your eyes peeled on the blog over the next few days!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.