19 June 2018

Another treat for you

Another treat from Martha. 

This is a button angel which I test tatted a week or so ago. A delightful tat too. I'm sure you're all dying to get your hands on Martha's new book but it'll be a while yet as there's so much work involved with putting a book together.

One of the toughest jobs must be putting up with ME as a test tatter!! There's very little to do with test tatting Martha's work as you can guess but concentration is essential as a tester. BC3 really has to turn off the rest of the world when he's at work.


Maureen said...

You're right, it IS a sweet angel design. I will be adding the book to my library when it is published.

Madtatter80 said...

Super cute 💟

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Ahh! I've been looking at my button stash and thinking it's time to start tatting with buttons. I'm looking forward to Martha's new book!

God's Kid said...

Pretty angel!! :)

Alka Gudadhe said...

Beautiful angel.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.