4 December 2020

Choosing colours

Do you remember the knitted blankets that I did?  If not then here's a reminder!!!

That's the same idea I'm using for the 'supposed to be' poncho.

I lay the piece on the floor and then choose the colours for the next row.  This seems to work really well so that's going to be my plan from now on.  Eight squares in a row is enough  to deal with at a time and I can 'just about' do a row every two days.  Each square takes me an hour and a half and if I get two done in the afternoon (doesn't always happen!) and two in the evening then I can make steady progress.  


Jane McLellan said...

That’s the method I used to use when knitting cotton blankets with squares in different colours. Choosing colours is one of my favourite things.

Bev said...

Hi Jane
I’ve been meaning to ask for ages. I’ve never tried HWT before. How do you start? As you wind the threads together, or as you work them, do they ever ‘get out of sync’? And if so how do you manage it?

Pigmini said...

Love the idea.... but it'd mean I gotta stop playing with my new plaything!!!

Jane Eborall said...

I agree with you, Jane and it's surprising how colours you think won't go together actually do!!!
Well, Bev, I wind them together onto the bobbin (or post shuttle). I do a slip knot with both threads together round the bobbin and then wind away from the knot so it tightens. I think the 'trick' is to be aware all the time that both threads are running smoothly together. Honestly it's not hard and it's also surprising when you use variegated threads together. You never know what it's going to turn out like!!!

God's Kid said...

It's so pretty!! :)
Your colors amaze me!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.