25 August 2021

Beads are 'in' at the moment!

Well with me they are!!
I seem to have got quite a collection of the large beads and if I'm not careful they're going to multiply even further and cause me more 'grief'.  I'm an odd sort of person.  I don't like too much in my stash as it sort of overwhelms me and I feel as if I ought to be using it or 'getting rid' of stuff.

After a couple of months of trying to downsize on the amount of things we've accumulated throughout the house I'm feeling the need for more decluttering so using up the beads is one way of dealing with it all.

Here are two more!!!  

1 comment:

Jane McLellan said...

It's very easy to accumulate a huge stash!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.