9 September 2021

Beads assembly continues

The best laid plans of mice and Jane never seem to work out!!!  If you'd have seen the mess I got into with trying to assemble this with the invisible thread you'd have laughed your socks off.  It was so, so frustrating and in the end I gave up.  It was fine (well ish) adding the invisible to the beads and then onto the piece of dowling I found BUT when I picked the wood up the whole thing instantly tangled and it was impossible to sort out!!!  

The air was blue around me as I spent a good few hours trying NOT to give in to the problem but in the end I had to declare it 'NOT a good idea' and abandon it.  Now the problem with invisible thread is that it is truly invisible but when tatted with it does become sort of 'not' invisible and doesn't produce a pretty result.  Well,  not in my opinion.  

This was 'after the invisible' and before another decision was made but more about that later!!!!


Jane McLellan said...

Ah. Not all good ideas work out in practice. Pity about that. I look forward to seeing plan B.

God's Kid said...

It will make a fabulous decoration when done!!! :)

Anonymous said...

As a last resort you might want to try using the same color thread as the curtains on that window. Theoretically it should be SORT OF 'invisible' against the curtains. Still....I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I know it will be the perfect solution to hanging the beads once you have everything figured out to your satisfaction.

Janet said...

How about fishing line?

Jane Eborall said...

That’s a good idea, Janet. Isn’t fishing line invisible too? Perhaps it wouldn’t be quite so ‘springy’ though. I’ll look into that.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.