Before I forget - Happy New Year and TIAS (Tat It And See).
The date that the Tat It And See will start is going to be Friday 11th January at 08:45 GMT. The link to the introduction is here and this is what you'll need to have ready. Note - for those of a nervous disposition - there are NO beads involved this time!!
This year there will be a small 'split' in the pattern. This is for those who are of a cautious nature and who don't want to tackle split chains. There are only 2 and they're only a few doubles long but ............
All details of what you'll need are on the introduction but I'm bound to have forgotten something! Please contact me if there's anything missing or if there's any further information you need.
All details of what you'll need are on the introduction but I'm bound to have forgotten something! Please contact me if there's anything missing or if there's any further information you need.