25 April 2017

Re-vamped technique page

Now you've had a preview of the new pattern I've been working on (see yesterday's post) I thought it would be a good idea to update the technique page. 

This technique is one I came up with last year and is brand new. I've not seen it anywhere else and I'd be delighted to think that people will find a use for it. Here's the link to the updated page.

22 April 2017


I forgot to show this round of Renulek's doily although I finished it days ago. 

In this round (round 8) I've used a couple of pale green HWT threads and I think they look fine. I've already started and am well into round 9. Again I've avoided the issue (well, my issue) of the onion rings and have used a chain round instead. More of that in a few days!!!

I seem to have been going through a 'dry' patch of blogging but a lot of that is because I've been working on something new. A few close friends have seen it and I'm almost ready to share pictures although the pattern may take a while for me to finish!!! 

Well, that's not strictly true. I just like teasing you all!!! It's going to be a .......... Nope, not going to tell you - you'll have to wait!!!

21 April 2017

Talking block tatting

A few days ago I had a very interesting conversation with another tatter over block tatting. 

She'd found my tips and techniques page here and also this video by Gina Butler.

Now this lady quite rightly pointed out that I did the join in the second row differently to the video and that my page needed changing. I looked at both the video and my page and saw exactly what she meant. Well then WHY had I got it wrong? Before I started to change my page which would involve drawings too, I decided to try both methods out and compare them.

I realised why I'd put that join on the second row and which says to use the furthest thread from the picot. NOT what I'd normally recommend BUT there was a reason and a good one too according to BC3. If you try it yourself WITH TWO different colours you'll find that by doing that the second row colour goes 'right to the end'. Look carefully at Gina's sample at the end of the video and you'll see what I mean - hers doesn't 'quite' go to the end.

I do love it when people get in touch and make me wake up to visit my weird brain again further 'down the line'!  My page will stay 'as is' for now but I do appreciate that this was pointed out to me.

19 April 2017

2 orphans

I have two little orphans who got left behind after Sally stayed with me a few weeks ago. They're called Tulipwood and Cherry. They are available to the first one or two people who comment on this post (and who say they can give them a good home!).  By all means comment but the first two who offer to adopt them can have them!!! 

The cherry is £18.00 and the Tulipwood is £20.00.  On top of that there is the cost of postage which will be £3.15 postage to anywhere outside of the UK (a lot less if within the UK - £1.15).  If the same person wants the two of them then the postage remains the same.  

I will send you a Paypal invoice to your Paypal email address when we've 'made contact'!!!!

18 April 2017

Round 7

I thought another change of colour was now due!!! Something a bit 'stronger' and brighter. 

I'm also working on another design which I think is going to be my 'best ever'. I always think that at this stage but it's never happened yet that I've done my 'best ever'. Once one is done I can always think of improvements and even other ideas!!!

14 April 2017

Another round done!

After a 'mixed' yellow round I decided to go for 'pure' yellow for this one. I think this will give me the 'break' I need to change colours completely for the next row.

People talk about the 'colour wheel' but I've looked at it and just found it too confusing for a 'bear of little brain' like wot I am! Instead I rely on 'good old instinct' or 'trial and error'!!! 

Those two attributes get me through life on a day to day basis too!!!!

12 April 2017

Punch nanny on the nose

That's a strange thing to tell a child to do - but it's worked!!!!  I told Abbi to do just that and it WORKED.

I've had two grandchildren staying with me for the past few days and Abbi (aged 9) asked if I'd teach her to tat. Every grandmother's dream, eh?  Something I'd secretly been hoping for for years -  BUT I have never ever asked anybody if they'd like to learn to tat.  I wait for them to ask me to show them how.  So, sixty years after I started this craft my granddaughter wanted to give it a go.

The first attempt Abbi found very frustrating.  I'd forgotten how hard it is to train fingers (and associated brain) to work together in a specific way.   After the first attempt on Monday ended 'not very well' I was very surprised when Abbi wanted another go on Tuesday.  I'm absolutely gobsmacked that a child so young got the hang of the 'dreaded flip' so quickly and realised as well that it had to flip to let the ring close!  To help her on her journey into Tat Land I found that the 'right tight, left loose' to get the flip to work was fine but when I said 'punch nanny on the nose' (with her right hand) it worked even better!!!

We started with a chain first just so she could 'see' that the core thread has to go through the stitches but then she wanted to make a ring for her finger so that's what I showed her next. 

Mission accomplished (below).  

I managed to take a video too and the link is here.

11 April 2017

My diversion

This is what I got 'diverted' by!!! 

I signed up for the 'Love Crochet' site and every so often they send some links to free patterns. That's where I got this Amigurumi doll from!!! 

These guys just made me want to make them. I think they took about two hours each. 

When my kids were young my ex and I didn't buy them Easter eggs - they had books instead. They had chocolate from their grandparents and in those days I'd rather them have something that didn't rot their teeth!!! 

It's slightly different nowadays with grandkids! I usually get them a bit of 'tooth rot' and a book or treat but I couldn't resist making these guys for the two I see regularly!!!!

10 April 2017

Round 5 finished

A lot of people suggested yellow but this isn't 'pure' yellow as I felt it needed 'tying in' to previous rows so used a plain and a variegated with some lilac. 

I really, really thought this was the end of my adventure with the doily as this row appeared to need more doubles in those chains. I kept checking I'd got the stitch count right as it was a quick row and I felt I might be missing something!!!  BUT my instincts were wrong yet again!!! I threatened it with the iron and it's now behaving very well!!!! 

Well, wouldn't you if you had an iron held over you by an OG in her pyjamas who really, really wanted to just get into bed?

Now, what next I ask myself. I don't think it'll be this doily for a day or two as another temptation has put itself in my way!!!

8 April 2017

Round 4 of Renulek's doily

Thanks for all the suggestions on which colours next. 

This is what I decided on in the end!!! It maybe a mistake or it maybe the right thing to do but who knows?!?!?

6 April 2017

Next round completed

Round 3 of Renulek's doily is now finished. 

Why is it even harder to decide what colours to use when you have so many? I would've thought it would be easier with a big choice but it isn't for me!!!! 

One thing I've also found I like about the HWT is the 'double thread' picots.  I thought they'd annoy me but I actually think they're rather splendid.  You'll have to click on the pictures to see them 'big time' but it's worth it.  I'm not a picot lover but am sticking to the pattern that is 'out there'.

Off to find the next colour - wonder what it will be?

4 April 2017

Outwards and onwards!!

I really, really LOVE these HWT colours using the fine threads. 

Who's that shouting 'what does HWT stand for'? Well it's what the OG with BC3 call Hand Wound Threads. Two or more threads wound onto the shuttle (or used from two balls) at the same time.

This is round 2 of Renulek's 2017 doily. I MAY get to liking doilies one day!!!

3 April 2017

Couldn't resist

Trying out the new threads!!! I've been tempted to start a doily although they're not 'my thing' but I do like the look of Renulek's 2017 one

It'll never get used but it'll be lovely to make and something to do in those 'odd moments'.

Now the threads that Jill kindly gave me are a mixture of 60, 70 and 80. I'm just going to grab two colours and just 'go' with them. I'm going to ignore the sizes as experience tells me that there's so little between them that things should work out just fine. If it doesn't then I'll eat my shuttle!!! I don't wear hats (as in 'eat my hat) unless it's darn cold!!!! My head is too small to wear hats and they just blow away!!  That's the truth, by the way.  I have a pin head!!

So, here's round 1 of the doily with two unknown threads wound CTM on both shuttles. Oh, I'm not a lover of onion rings so I avoided those!!!!

1 April 2017


When a tatting lass asks another tatting lass if she'd like some threads then what does said second lass say? Well if the 'second lass' is an OG with a BC3 and an addiction to tatting she says 'yes please'!!! 

Below is what arrived on Thursday. 
To say I was stunned when I saw the size of the box (I'd been told it was size 80 thread too) is an understatement. BUT when I opened it look what I found.
This was the top layer and I thought the 'only' layer!!
The thread was beautifully packed in tissue paper so I lifted the above out of the box and LOOK what I found.
A bit later on I was looking at the box and thinking that it looked a lot deeper and there was another lot of tissue which probably needed looking under. So I did and this is what I found next!!!
Thank YOU Jill. I'll certainly be putting this to good use although I think my little sister may have to help me too!!!  I have other friends here in the UK who may offer to help me out but I know that I can use a lot of this thread.

30 March 2017

All bagged out!!!

I know there's no such thing as being 'all bagged out' but it sort of makes sense to me!!! I'm done with the bags!!! I counted 22 finished ones when I tidied up the conservatory/sewing room. 

All are fully lined and all have a 'stiffened/flat' bottom to encourage them to stand up when a few things are put in them. 

To recap. The reason for making all these bags was because a friend gave me the fabric and it was just too pretty to put away in the cupboard. I also LOVED them too!! The reason for the bags being the sizes they are (around the size of a regular tote bag)? Well, that's cause it made the best use of the pieces. Another reason was to have some to take to the Fringe in September. 

BUT I can let you know that seven are already reserved so I still have to work out prices and the cost of postage too.

The last 3 were finished today (1 chicken and 2 'others') and they're promised to my daughter and granddaughter. They live in the country and keep chickens!!!

29 March 2017

I'm still here

Contrary to rumours I'm pleased to say I've not fallen off my perch!!!! 

It's been a busy (but lovely) few days. Sally came up from 'down south' to spend the weekend Chez Eborall and on Saturday we went to the Gloucester Tatting Day which is run by Linda Williams. A very pleasant day with lots of lovely tatters, tea/coffee and CAKE!!! 

Sunday my daughter and granddaughter visited and then Monday I was busy. BUT I did have time to make the last three of the bags from the Japanese printed fabric yesterday. There are three more still to make from other fabric which I hope to finish today. Once they're done I'll tidy up the conservatory (where I sew) and then return to tatting (I think) although I do want to finish another crochet project which is under way. 

Here are the last two Japanese bags although I've got to check back to see if there are any I haven't shown!!!!

25 March 2017

Onwards and onwards!

When WILL I learn to act my age? Seriously - I worked most of my life (had time off when the kids were little as there was no way I could work with young kids in those days) but even now in my dotage I'm still pushing myself to 'do' stuff!!!! Perhaps I should invest in another BC? Perhaps BC4? A fourth BC MAY keep me grounded and NOT setting myself constant targets. Any thoughts?

If I did I maybe able to stop this incessant 'need' to have an aim in life. I can't 'just' make one thing - I HAVE to make lots!!!!

I've still got this obsession with the bags made out of the Japanese prints. The first one (below) is a medium sized bag and it's gorgeous. The other pictures show a dark blue bag. Actually not 'bag' but bags!!! There is one large blue and a baby one too. I've fallen in love with 'baby' bags.  See those dragons?  Beware of dragons!!!!

Oh, Ann, there are still more to come!!!

23 March 2017

Another sewing 'stint'

This time I've made these two. There is still a bit more fabric left with a LOT of one type which I'll show you another day. I maybe able to make three with that design.

22 March 2017

More bags

Yes, I'm happily stuck in 'bag making mode' at the moment. 

These are lovely to make mainly because of the truly delightful Japanese style fabrics. They're stunning. They're also inspiring me to sew, sew, sew.

The sizes are variable according to the fabric I've got which makes it even more interesting. I have a 'cutting out' session, then a 'sewing session' and try to complete bag before starting on the next temptation. Here are two I made over the weekend.

21 March 2017

Crinoline Lady

On Sunday I spent ages trying to get poor old BC3 to sort out the TIAS on the server and tidy stuff up on this blog too. You will see that I've removed the TIAS from the side of this blog and added just a simple link to the TIAS blog where all the recent games are now to be found. I've moved all the TIAS links to another part of the server to make it easier for next year's game - well, for me, anyway!!!

I've also finally got the Crinoline Lady sorted and on the site too. Here's the link

You will see that I've added Barbara and Andrea's additions to the lady - with their permission, obviously.  Here is the pictorial umbrella from Barbara too (below).

20 March 2017

Feeling good

At the tender age of 103 I'm feeling good. 

NO, I'm teasing. Actually I'm talking about the 103rd TIAS lady who arrived from Bed in The Netherlands on Saturday. Here's the link along with a subtle hint to send in any that haven't been sent in yet!!!! 

Well, not so much a hint as a 'nag'!!!!

You may have noticed a slight change to the front of my blog - more tomorrow on that!!!

17 March 2017

A Herd of Seahorses

Now this is a collection of seahorses - I didn't make them, though. They were made by Liz for a project over the other side of Australia from where she lives!!! Aren't they gorgeous? 

Liz sent them to me some time ago but I keep forgetting to put them on my blog. Here's what she says.

"Here is what I will be sending for the Reef project in Exmouth, West. Aust.

I have not straightened up the small ones – Christie says she thinks she might have to stiffen them – so she can do that!!

I learned a lot- I had not done any beading before, and especially stringing the fin beads in the little ones – Grr!!

I omitted the beads within the seahorses – where one row of rings joins the next row. I just did plain, simple joins, but did the beads around the edge. They were fun to do, - and should look Ok in the Reef the Community is making.

Thank you for the patterns. You write them out so they are easy to follow. You can see how my tension differs, by the way some curl up more than others!! -- Well, - shows they are hand made!!!!!!!
Hugs, Liz.

There's always something SO warming when you see your patterns made by others. Sort of makes the hours of 'blood, sweat and tears' (well, not quite!) all seem worthwhile when you've long forgotten about old patterns.

15 March 2017

Another change of scenery!

Yesterday I decided to tackle another task which I've been wanting to 'play' with for a while. It was this or another 'session' digging dandelions out of the garden!!!!

I have a good friend who sews so very, very beautifully. She's had a bad time lately with life in an utter upheaval and while I was visiting her she suddenly asked if I wanted any fabric. Well, you know me and my love of bags - craft bags in particular. I obviously said 'yes please' so she gave me an assortment of Japanese themed fabric. 

They are absolutely GORGEOUS but no use for the small craft bags as the prints are too large. So, decisions, decisions. I decided the best use would be for shopping/tote bags. Simple ones with a largish gusset in the bottom and not too long straps. The sort you can put things in at the supermarket and then lift EASILY out of the trolley into the car or just use around the home to 'put things in'!!!!

Here are the first two.

14 March 2017

Another WIP finished!

Well here it is in all it's finished glory. I really like this rather simple little mat and will definitely be making more sometime in the future. 

I really am not doing much tatting lately so there maybe 'dark' days on here while I get to grips with the garden and do other things. I'll also be sewing too and have a large crochet project 'on the go' as well. 

Don't panic - I am tatting but not designing much at the moment. I've fallen out with designing since I got into troublesome waters last year. I 'need' to get back in the mood sometime but not yet. I'm enjoying doing 'other stuff' at the moment.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.