Just thought you might be interested in how I manage my web site.
My web space is with freeserver.com and many, many years ago I signed up with them and used the free space that they gave me. I also had space that Nick paid for elsewhere but we ditched that because he wasn't using it and it was expensive. I also had free space at BT too but they dropped that a year or so ago. Anyway, about five years ago I decided to become independent and started paying for space with freeservers.com because I wanted a backup of everything I did. I was lazy and just left things at BT until they dropped the free stuff and then I moved everything with all the links to freeservers.
I've been pleased with the space they provide and uploading 'stuff' is really easy. They charge me $3.95 a month which they collect from me via credit card every two years. I had the warning that my payment was due yesterday. That's $94.80 (£60.00). Interestingly I thought you'd like to know that people who read my blog actually pay for the web site!!! How does that work?
Well I earn money through running ads on there from Adsense and a month or so ago I had a cheque from them which (along with another I had last November) will pay for the freeservers web space and a bit more!! Thank you everybody and keep clicking on any of the ads that you like - you're supporting the pattern and technique pages by doing that and keeping an OG out of trouble too!!! Least most of the time!!!
Just to cheer this post up - here's a teaser for you. Yes, it's a Fandango square BUT I'm working on doing something else with it as you can probably see round the edges of this picture!! Keep watching this space!!!
Well I earn money through running ads on there from Adsense and a month or so ago I had a cheque from them which (along with another I had last November) will pay for the freeservers web space and a bit more!! Thank you everybody and keep clicking on any of the ads that you like - you're supporting the pattern and technique pages by doing that and keeping an OG out of trouble too!!! Least most of the time!!!
Just to cheer this post up - here's a teaser for you. Yes, it's a Fandango square BUT I'm working on doing something else with it as you can probably see round the edges of this picture!! Keep watching this space!!!