I'm now going to be very firm with myself and go back to the heart in a ring. As usual the chair where I sit and tat is surrounded with threads, beads and all the necessary paraphernalia needed to tat. Oh, including the laptop which I have on my lap while noting the text of the item I'm working on. So I've just been down there looking around for the heart which got put down somewhere in the middle of the 'mess'!!! The last version. Found it - not lost after all!!! Great!!! Now, where's the ring it was going into? Hmmmm, is that the one with the fish in it? Guess it is!!! Good I've found another ring - too large - BUT should I now make the heart larger to fit in this ring or smaller to fit in the original one (now being lived in by a fish)?
Back upstairs and I've scanned the heart with the rings placed on top of it. Hmmmm. This could JUST be another useful idea to use in the designing process. Right - off to use the one on the right with the smaller ring to see if it'll help me adjust the drawing and the text - back later ................
Back upstairs and I've scanned the heart with the rings placed on top of it. Hmmmm. This could JUST be another useful idea to use in the designing process. Right - off to use the one on the right with the smaller ring to see if it'll help me adjust the drawing and the text - back later ................

Now I've re-drawn and altered the text again and I hope this will be a bit nearer to what I'm looking to achieve (see below). I placed the second scan above in a lower layer of my drawing program and then traced over it and squeezed it in a little whilst doing this. The problem is that each small alteration (adding or taking away a couple of ds) throws so much out of place. It can shift the movement in the centre of the heart to make it become distorted. What I've done this time is again remove one of the side SR's (I tried this once before - http://tinyurl.com/wz8tt). I've also taken out ds on the SCMR's 6, 9, 7 and 18 to see if that will help. Two ds have also been taken out of each side of R14. All I have to do now is re-work it again!!!!!!!!!!

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