Well, it had to happen. There's been trouble in Tatbead land. First of all the goth twins legged it off to London to spend time with Sue Hanson. I'm not sure whether Sue knows what she's let herself in for. They'd not long been out of the house when their sister arrived (minus shoes!). She'd had an argument with her mother over the way she dresses and her mum had taken her shoes away. This morning we had to go into town to buy her another pair!
Shortly after Great Aunt Philippa arrived. She's a 'hat lady'. Always wears a hat and is terribly, but TERRIBLY posh!!! She lives on the 'better' side of town. Even her handbag has gold trimmings!!

Anyway, she'd not been here long when a policeman arrived complete with truncheon in one hand and handcuffs in the other. We're not quite sure who called him out or why but I expect that all will be revealed in due course.
Oh, you are too funny! Not only a talented tatter and designer, but now a writer extraordinaire! I so look forward each day to see what your new family is doing. Poor Sue. I hope she will survive the Goth Twins.
Oh, Jane - I think I see Goth sis's burly boyfriend coming. . .
These folks are as scary as my family.
This is a hoot! Keep up the great work and wonderful entertainment. Seriously, thank you for all you do for the tatters in this world!
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