I'm not very keen on making edgings for myself - well, not for handkerchiefs and table linen. There is one sort that I do like to make and that's deep ones for tshirt necklines. I like these to be in the same or contrasting colours to the tshirt and so I decided a few days ago that when I'm in America later this year and with young children around me then something like this would be easiest to take and work on. No beads but two colours (hopefully) and two shuttles (the cats won't want to chase those around like balls of thread!). So the adventure into the 'perfect' edging has begun!!! I like the other one I did here http://tinyurl.com/35dldl but of course I'm bored with that one. I also want to play again with the continuous thread join as it means you can get a deeper edging but in one round. Below is the 'story so far'. I'm afraid the colours don't contrast very well but they were what was handy to me at the time!!
Now, I'm reasonably happy with this - it lies well but I don't like the pointy top!!! I'll have to think of something different for this. It's too stark although I think it could be classified as a 'Vandyke' style. I also need to find out if this will lie to a curve or I'll have to alter it accordingly. I'll make a 'corner' for it for V necked tshirts (or even handkerchiefs!) as there's nothing MORE frustrating than having a lovely edging without a corner!!! I spent the afternoon yesterday looking through dozens of books for inspiration or an edging I could adapt and then picked up a rejected and an earlier attempt of this piece that was lying around the house!!! Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted - my email address is lovetotat at gmail.com.

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