26 May 2021

Progress on my zoo!!!!

I keep making small critters for my Etsy shop and they keep wandering off!!!!  I must admit there's something about making things that are appreciated by others and bought by them, for whatever purpose, that keeps the aged hands tatting.
Many times I consider giving up on making things and then something like the shop happens and off I go again on a roll!!!!

I do have another reason to keep going and that's a good supply of thread and beads!!!!  I'm trying not to leave too much 'stuff' for my kids to sort out when I'm no longer around!!! 

Here are some of the critters that may still be in my shop by the time the blog post goes live or may not!!!


Jane McLellan said...

They're all very cute. I do like that mouse!

God's Kid said...

No wonder they seem to disappear!! So cute! :)

tatterjil said...

What a great expression on that little mouse! She looks up so expectantly.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.