I keep remembering bits and pieces but not in any particular order so please, please bear with me - signs of a disorganised brain. Good news is that the jet lag has gone at last (I hope) - caught it really badly this time. Must be a virus!!!
When I arrived in Cincinnati there was a package waiting for me from Sue Anna. Well you know full well how that lass spoils me rotten and this was no exception at all.
Look at what was in there this time - MORE Lizbeth, MORE Yarnplayer's HDT and also my favourite ezybobs to put the HDT onto too.
As I was well prepared for this trip I'd taken what I needed for the border of the diamond mat. BUT as soon as I saw this choice of threads that idea went right out of the window - along with the bath water but not the baby!!!!
Why not the baby? Didn't have one with me at the time!!!