OK today I've got you a new and VERY simple technique. Marie Smith in SC showed this to me during the Palmetto tatters meeting and I loved it. Not needed very often but SO useful to have at your 'finger tips' when you do!!!! She's not sure where it came from but it's great.
I hear you saying 'what is the daft moo' on about? Well, it's a way to start a chain with a small picot at the start. I know that in the past we've all used either a spare bit of thread or a safety pin/paperclip but this does away with all that hassle.
So, here's the link to the technique page on my site. You'll find the link to the technique itself at the bottom of this page - as long as I've remembered to upload the revised technique page!!!! I tend to wander off and forget things but my excuse is my age and NOT the honest fact that my memory has never been much good.