It was safe to read my blog again after the bobble/bauble 'phase' it returns!!!
I decided to make myself some earwigs!!! So, here is a simple bobble with a finding on to make into a pair. BUT I'm not happy with it!!!! Yes, it's an 'it' and not a 'them'!!!
LOVE the thread which is just right but not sure I really like the shape. Still it kept me out of trouble for an hour or two while I made it.
I'll admit to you - but keep it a secret, please. This form of tatting has become an addiction!!! Hopefully less harmful to my body than my usual addictions (chocolate and gin - but not together).
I WILL get a pair of earwigs done this way but not sure how or when!!!!
Before I toddle off to do whatever I can to avoid doing anything other than something tatting related, I must tell you that I met up with another tatter yesterday in town. I had a great time with Bev and her DH from Australia. I took them on an 'alternative' tour of town!!!! Alternative? Well it has to be a bit different as I don't know much about the local bard having lived here all my life!!!!