OK, we have a clown in tat land!!! His name? Mark Myers!! This is what he says as a guess.
Um.....the goat I diagrammed for you???? strange color for a goat, anyway. But with you tatting it......WHO KNOWS!!! LOL!
He sent me a diagram of a goat two/three days ago with the challenge to make a pattern to fit it!!! I mean, dear Mark, you know what a busy person I am and how houseproud I am and how I'm always dusting and vacuuming. How did you expect me to get it done so quickly?
But then I do tell some terrible lies about my love of housework and I did have half an hour free the other day!!!!!!!!!!
Um.....the goat I diagrammed for you????

Just in case this has not been noticed in the comments section I have put the link from Laurie here
Just in case this has not been noticed in the comments section I have put the link from Laurie here
Will be fun to watch the ideas - mine still leaning to something May Day Basket-like.
I wanted to leave the link to a fabric postcard experiment using your giraffe - needle tatted version :)
I love your giraffe, Laurie. I'm going to add this to this post so others can see it too.
interesting how that chain overlaps the ring. Intentional?? How about an angel ;)
A crinoline lady with tiered skirt, this is the bottom layer of the skirt and day 2 is the tier above it!!!! or shall I wait for the white coats!!!!!
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