This is a story of a wonderful gift. This came from Val in Singapore. We've been online buddies for a time now and Sally met up with Val when she was over in Singapore in June. They went shopping. When I say shopping I mean SHOPPING!!!!
Val sent home (via Sally) a wonderful box of goodies for me to play with. Can you see the contents in the top photo? There are big beads, small beads, wooden ones and crystal ones. Bright and beautiful. Then there are two reels of Sulky thread and a thingamajig to make whatsits which I've got to work out how to use!!! There are findings and charms and many many other things - BUT just LOOK at the picture beneath. Those earrings are just plain stunning. The colours zingadingding. I'm going to wear them at the weekend as I'm going to two small gatherings. They may even frighten the rain away with their brightness - well I can but hope!!!