Now you
saw my post (or maybe not!) last week (or it could've been the week before!!) over the purse in the Mrs Beeton's Book of Needlework so, after that I'd said all that I, thought 'why not'. Why not what? Why not another try!!!!!
Back when I did the black and white version we didn't have computers or such like so everything had to be 'jotted down' on paper. This made sorting out this pattern back 'then' almost impossible as it's not easy to understand in the first place!!!! Also I was about thirty years younger, with young kids, teaching full-time and all the complications that brings to one's craft life.
This time round I realised straight away that the centre of the black and white one is wrong but I sort of remember thinking that it wouldn't work so did it 'my way'. Well it doesn't 'really' work but I used the instructions this time round and followed them to the letter (no, sorry, number)!!!! Of course the fact that it doesn't 'sit' right could be down to the thickness of the thread or the size of the beads - not sure.
Then onto round 1. Softly softly catchee monkey!!! I did this exactly according to the written word too.
Looking closely at the picture in the book it does look as if it's OK but I'm not happy with the way some of the beads have turned towards the inside of the rings. Still 'upwards and onwards' and all that guff!!!!!!