9 January 2012

Irma Luna

Don't forget - tomorrow's the day!!!  What day?  The start of TIAS 2012!!!!!

Do you remember seeing this post which Irma sent me from Chile?  She also sent this too.

VERY kindly Irma said she'd send me some of the metal findings that they used.  Well imagine my surprise and delight when this packet arrived all the way from Chile!!  She said a few - but I say that's LOTS and LOTS.

I've told Irma that I think I'll be using these for the next 100 years!  Can you see all the fun I'm going to have?  Thank you SO much, Irma.  That's made an OG VERY happy indeed.

7 January 2012

Don't forget!!

Today's the day for more shuttles.  8 pm GMT in this shop here!

I have also reduced the price of the bookmarks too - a new year and a fresh start.  OR is it a fresh stop?

The shuttle featured below is one of the Zebrano ones.

6 January 2012

More Shuttles!

I want to announce the arrival of 36 more Pop A Bobbin shuttles and 5 post shuttles.  Sally spent a day with me on Tuesday/Wednesday and a lot of tatting was talked, of course!!!

'Im in the garage is very passionate about making the shuttles and has even brought out (with no prompting from Sally!) a slight modification on the design of the bobbin shuttles.  You can see a comparison picture below.  Can you see?  More wood and less 'air'!!  They're not ALL like this this time but a lot are.

The top is the original and the bottom the new one (that's in Zebrano).

I've kept the Zebrano all safely in their plastic cases and was very careful when taking photos of the 'Etsy' one as I just droooool over this wood.

Sally and 'im in the garage gave me three shuttles 'just for me' and I'll show you those in a few days.

Ah, I bet you want to know WHEN they're going in the shop?  Saturday 7th January at 8pm (that's GMT).   Oh, that's tomorrow too!!!!!  I'm also going to reduce the prices on the bookmarks too - I'm bored with looking at them now!!!! I want to make more too.

5 January 2012

Final butterflies

These are the last two and underneath a 'fly past' of those that are remaining.  Some have thankfully gone to new homes - I can't home them all!!  They need too much feeding and some insist on bedtime stories too!

So, perhaps you want the pattern?  Are you 'up to' the challenge?  The only 'hard' part is at the beginning of the upper wings but I think I've got it covered in the instructions.  Remember - Karen did it!!!!  Here's the direct link to the pattern.

4 January 2012

Back into tatting

I've just heard from Sunela who has moved to the other side of America and has now just started back into tatting.   She sent in her practice piece for the TIAS which you can see below.

Here is a link to her blog which I'm hoping she'll feel able to keep up as I LOVE reading tatting blogs.

3 January 2012

More of the 3D butterfly

Scream if you're fed up with hearing and seeing these.  I can't apologise because they've become an addiction and I now need counselling!!!  Or send for the men in white coats.  Over the past week I've made these.  The pattern is nearly ready too.

I've been doing a search round my computer and have found several patterns which need finishing off so they're going to be my priority over the next few weeks.  Watch this space!!!!

2 January 2012

Do you remember?

Do  you remember Isa from Sweden who has played in all the TIAS's?  She and Maureen have been playing at 'who can return their daily tat the fastest' over the past year or two which has added to the fun.

Sadly Isa can't take part with us this time but she'll do it when she can.  She said this:-

Hi Jane: here Isabel from south of Sweden, this mail it's to Wish you a Very Happy New Year and thank you for your first Tat it and See 2012.
 This time I can't participate directly, like other times but maybe after. The reason it's that I must go to visited my mother long away from me.  Good luck to all involved in the game this time.

BUT Isa did send in her practice piece last Saturday in her usual way - 'illustrated'!!!!

Also on the TIAS blog is another practice piece - this time from Karen.

31 December 2011

Happy New TIAS!

Happy New Year to all in Tat Land.  

I would now like to announce the arrival shortly of a new Tat It And See.  The starting date will be the January 10th.

As usual I will announce each part on on this blog and on the TIAS blog

The introduction can be found here and gives details of what you will need.

Let the fun begin!!!!!

30 December 2011

Karen's first butterfly

Do you remember that it was Karen who started the quest for a 3D butterfly?  I am absolutely thrilled to show you her first of the new 3D butterflies here.  Karen is a relatively new tatter.  Actually she helped a great deal with getting this pattern 'sorted' as her questions led to constant improvements.  I finally asked Karen when she'd learnt to tat and she said this:-

"Hi - I first picked up a teach yourself kit mid 2009 after watching a friend of mine try to teach another and thought now that looks interesting.  I sat for for several Sunday afternoons in my mum's garden getting very fed up and cutting  off one attempt after another   I tried several times and finally got the flip,  I then started to follow a few you tube vids and finally started following very simple patterns around Dec 2009,  I then joined the tatting group around mid 2010 so about 2.5 years since I first picked up a shuttle and about 18 months since I started tatting  properly.  LOL no I take a challenge head on and am a devil I hate being beaten."

29 December 2011

More of the butterfly!

Here is the butterfly with beads on the lower wings.  I actually used four colours on this one - not that you can tell!!!
There are two shades of green on the lower wings which show up fine but the contrast between the blue and the variegated on the upper wings doesn't show so well.  

I'm going to make another!!

28 December 2011

The story of a butterfly

Now a few weeks ago I was asked if I knew where there was a 3D butterfly pattern.  The person who asked (Karen) said that she had one from Monica Hahn's book.  She worked it up and it was a tad too large for her project.  I then pointed her at two in Teri Dusenbury's books but she hasn't got those books.  I think they would've been too small for her project too.

Then I thought of this butterfly here on my own site and pondered it's possibilities.  Off went 'you know who' (# 3) and he came up with the one below.

Now the resident expert on all matters pertaining to critters and who is my bestest EVER critic (he always tells me the truth) said 'wow' when he saw it.  So, I present you with a 3D butterfly.

Now this isn't as hard to work as it looks.  The top wings are made first and cut and tied but the bottom and body are worked all in one whilst 'adding' the top wings.  There are no sewing in of ends as the feelers are the ends!!  I added the bead in the centre of the body 'just because'.

27 December 2011


Yes, that's me and I LOVE it.  

On the Monday before Christmas Sue Anna wrote and said she'd mailed me a packet.  That was the 19th December.  So I started looking forward to it's arrival between the 25th and New Year.

Guess what?  Royal Mail got it to me on the 24th - Christmas Eve!!!  You know what I'm like when I've got new threads in my life - I grabbed an Ezybob and instantly started winding.  Then I realised I hadn't take a photo to show you all what a lucky, lucky old git I am.  Thank you SO much Sue Anna - I will take 'revenge' in the New Year!!!

As you can see - in the packet was Marilee's new book.  Signed (see bottom photo) too.

That brings back memories of the day I met Elgiva Nicholls back in 1976 at the Lambeth Town and Country Festival and bought her latest book off her asking her to sign it.  Little did I realise the value it would add to an otherwise splendid book.  So, Marilee, it won't be long before my ancestors (aka my kids) get their mucky mitts on my stash (after I'm gone, I hope!) and sell your book for squillions on Ebay because of the signature!

25 December 2011

Reporting on Christmas!

So far, no disasters and no drama.  

Not eaten too much, not drunk too much and a new edging design well under way. 

How's that for December 25th, eh?

24 December 2011

And one for MEEEEE

Two more bookmarks.  
The lilac one is for my friend Ros - it's her birthday on the 30th.  Finally decided this would 'suit her' as she loves lilac.  The other is for me - at last.  My present to me!!!  AND IT WORKS.  I must say (sorry, it's bragging) that this is my bestest idea EVER.  I'll make more for the shops (Etsy and Folksy) once I've sold two or three more.

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have all those new Lizbeth threads at my fingertips!!!  I've got them all in one box and the bestest part of all is 'cracking open' a new bag!!!   I love the fact that they arrive in the bags but they take up room in my storage system.  When I get time (and the inclination) I will order one of the thread holders which look fabulous online.

I also love my stash of HDT - that stays in a big ziplock back by the side of my tatting chair.  Where else would I keep it, eh?   It never goes back in the tatting cupboard where it 'should' be living!!!

23 December 2011

Bah Humbug - Christmas!

What does this time of the year mean to me?  Well, as a non believer in anything it's often been something I'd rather 'do without'.  I've had some terrible Christmases like most people, I guess.  

Nowadays I find it quite useful.  By that I mean it's a good excuse to buy presents, eat, drink and see the grandkids.  Really, though, I consider Christmas to be a good 'anchor point' to get things 'done by'!!!   

So this year the main thing that we decided back in November (or was it October?) needed doing 'before Christmas' was a new front door.  Easy - just ring our favourite 'window and door' people and get a quote.  Fine, quote arrived, deposit paid and then we realised there were cables running through the frame of the old door.  Importantly the telephone cable!!!  Telephone means internet and no internet would mean total disaster!  So a day was spent trying to organise that and now everything has had to be postponed til January!!!  That's 'after Christmas'!!!

The garden reorganisation DID happen and that's looking good.

Then there's been the washing machine which sprung a leak this week.  Mind, that took two attempts to get sorted!!

Still so far it beats the years I've spent dealing with the 'man on the roof' incident (trying to get a crime number from the police wasn't easy), trying to speak to NHS Direct (on Christmas Day), having to sort out plumbing problems for my dad (again on Christmas Day) and last year spending Christmas Eve in A & E after digging the car out of the snow!!!

21 December 2011

More lovely tatting in Chile

It's so good to hear from Irma again.  I'd sort of lost touch with Chile over the past few years for some reason or t'other.  Still we're back together again.

The first two pictures show work from Anita Muñoz and the third is made by Lily Brieba.  At the bottom is Irma's own version of the Snowflake 2004 - least I think that's what it's called!!!  Ah, just checked - it is and it's here!!!  How clever to find a small finding to replace the centre ring. Now I must go hunting in my stash to see if I've got anything like it.  Such pretty colours, Irma.

Irma said this "All jobs were different despite having the same instructions each of the girls put their best effort in carrying out their work.

Greetings and a big hug and thank you very much for spending part of his blog to Tatting is done in Chile."

20 December 2011


Today I'm going to show you pictures of Anastasjia and her cute little daughter called Margarita I am also showing my attempt at her little motif. 

The motif is challenging but when you've got the second repeat really simple and very pretty.

I have also added the pattern for the edging that I showed you the other day.  Here's a link.      the pattern for the edging (which is here) and the motif (which is here) have been added to the 'guest designer' section of my site.  Soon Anastasija will have her own web site but she's a very sensible lady and makes looking after Margarita her priority.  

19 December 2011

Hospital waiting rooms

Last week Nick had a hospital appointment and as we were a bit early out came my tatting.  I'm not a great one for tatting when we're out and about - crikey, moses, I need a break sometimes!!!  

Anyway, we were sitting there and suddenly a male nurse and two, three, four others descended on us all fascinated by it.  One of them even took my email address to get in touch with me for links on how to shuttle tat.  Will I end up in hospital teaching tatting while Nick's getting 'sorted'?  Who knows!

On the way back I mentioned all the excitement it had caused and he was heard to mutter - "Hurrumph, that's what happens when you get one nutter and a bit of 'string' - people are fascinated!!!"

Before you ask - I didn't clout him as he was only stating the truth (and I was driving at the time)!!!!  I did give a lot of butterflies away so must replenish my travelling kit sometime!!!

What was I making?  The small SCMR butterflies which are here.  Oh, and here below!!

17 December 2011

Another batch!

Well here's what's been keeping me busy the last few days!!!  Although sales in the shops have been slow they certainly haven't been via my big mouth!!!!

I've had a return customer who ordered the panda - she missed the one I had in Etsy earlier this month so bought a seahorse instead.  That arrived safely in the USofA and she then decided on a panda next.  It's always good to have a returning customer on something like this as it's reassuring to know your daft ideas actually work!!  Anyway, I digress.  The new seahorses and snowflake were ordered by a neighbour - after a 'good gossip' earlier in the week.

The sewing part of these is done in the conservatory which we don't heat.  Can you imagine me sitting there in the cold (but not tooooo cold) room sewing?  I've got it down to a 'fine art' now.  I do all the preparation in the warm and then dash out to sew.  

The other day I was halfway through when a couple of guys came to collect the garden rubbish that they'd left after a day's 'landscaping'.  There I was with two double doors open while wheelbarrows passed by me.  Needless to say I scarpered and came back to it later after they'd gone!!!

16 December 2011

Tatting in Chile

This is some work I've recently been shown by Irma in Chile.   She and her friends have found a supply of metal inserts rather like the ones I used here.
Here are the pictures she sent me.  At first I thought the purply one was mine!!

What a lot of lovely neat work.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.