14 November 2012

Back on pattern page!!!

I've thought about this and have decided that it's OK to put this Christmas tree pattern back on my site.

Why?  Well for those of you who follow my ramblings you'll remember that I added it to the blog back in January.  Then I decided to apply for a teaching post at Palmetto Tat Days so this was a good pattern to teach and I took it down again!!! 

Normally I won't put Tat Days patterns up on my site until roughly February so that they've got a chance to sell as many of the CD's as they can.  BUT mine are only a small and therefore insignificant part of what is on the CD so this time brain cell 3 nudged me and said I could re-load it on there.  

This is the pattern I'm talking about.  Here's a picture!!!!

13 November 2012

Mystery solved!

The packet arrived yesterday!!  It was a miserable wet day so it was the only cheerful part of the day.  It was Miranda who'd sent the packet.  She'd asked me to make her a bag out of some fabric and we'd arranged for her to send it to me.  Now I was expecting a fat quarter for a bag!!!  

Wrong again, OG!!!  I should've known that the Americans live in a big country and have big hearts too.  It was a box FULL to the brim with goodies.  Lots of fabric and a million doodads plus some of Jess's wonderful HDT.

Thanks, Miranda - that'll keep me quiet for the next fifty years!!!

Oh, just to let anybody know who's interested.  Any package whether a gift or a purchase that is marked with a value of over £50.000 (or $80.00) incurs a customs charge when entering the UK.  Sender beware!!!!  I'm not telling people to lie over the value of any contents but it may be worth being parsimonious with the true value!!!  No, I didn't just say that - honest, me lud!!

12 November 2012

Face of a reindeer!

Today is going to be 'interesting'!!  On Friday I had a letter from Parcel Force telling me that they had a package to deliver to me BUT that I'd got to pay £18.00 (nearly $29.00) customs and excise duty (plus handling charge) before I could have it.  I was held to ransom over this as I think it might be the new Aerlit shuttles from Barb.  Having 'spoken' to Barb I'm now not sure as the value of the shuttles certainly wouldn't merit a charge like THAT!!!!  Of course I paid it - curiosity got the better of me!!  I'll tell you more tomorrow but for now I have a new pattern for you.  

This could be a useful little doodle, I think!!!  I suppose you could add it to Christmas cards etc.

It came about during a conversation when Sally and I were at Joanie's.  She asked if I could possibly do a reindeer face and showed me a picture of a tatted reindeer head.  I've no idea how it was made or who by so when I got home I had to start completely from scratch.  Well I normally start from scratch anyway so that I don't meet any copyright issues.  

Scratch?  No I haven't got fleas!!!!!

Anyway, here is a link to it.  Joanie test tatted it for me but the nose has undergone a small change since then (sorry, Joanie).  She also suggested (and tried) doing it using the double double stitch too and it works well made like that.  The first picture is the head worked normally and the second using the double double.  Have fun with it - I'd love to see if it really does work on cards etc!!!!

9 November 2012

Yet another Garden Snowflake

Whoops - this one hasn't been eased into shape yet.  Yes, I did say eased!!!!  I rarely block anything - just wet it, ease it carefully into shape (IF needed) and gently 'show' it the iron!!!

I'm plain idle!!!  I also believe that a good pattern should have it's shape designed into it and not need much pressing and certainly not blocking - unless it's for the sake of picot straightening.  Unfortunately this little motif got shoved into my pocket and forgotten for a day or two so it does need a little TLC!!!!  The times I find things in my pocket and often after trip in the washing machine - you'd think I'd frisk myself regularly but I forget!!!

As the Tat It And See is taking so much time lately I'm going to have to miss the odd day's posting here and there.  WHAT?  Did I hear cheers of delight?!?!?

I'm still here though so don't think I'm not listening in to what's going on in Tat Land.  

7 November 2012

Away in a manger

Now WHAT does that mean?  Away?  I mean you're either in a manger or not so where does 'away' come into it?  That story is a strange one anyway.  You'd think a pregnant woman would've booked a hotel in advance on a trip like that!!!  Silly moo.  Still it is only a story so I bet there's a lot of poetic licence in there somewhere!!

Sorry, I'm prevaricating and trying to get round to showing you another little 'almost doodle' that I've got here.

I thought this one might be useful for making Christmas cards.

6 November 2012

More of the Garden Snowflake

There will be a few more of these posts as I endeavour to make enough to give away at Christmas.  Don't go away, though, as there are two more patterns (only small ones) to post and I'm still busy working on the Tat It And See too.

Yesterday was really busy packing the shuttles etc and getting them in the post.  

Just a note to those living in America - the lass at the Post Office said to allow an extra two to three days for them to arrive as things were still settling down after Sandy.  Not a lot any of us can do about that except wait!!!!  I do hope that everybody affected by the storm is beginning to get back to normal.

5 November 2012

Pattern finished at LAST!

I've been meaning to get this finished for days and finally I've got it up on my site yesterday.  

This is the result of making so many Garden Wall motifs!!  Brain cell 3 started thinking again while I was doing those and finally came up with the Garden Snowflake!!!  I'm really quite chuffed with this design and intend to bore you to death with more pictures.  These are going to be my main Christmas giveaways this year.

Meanwhile I'm finishing off two more Christmas projects - only tiddly ones but it's surprising how long they take to 'get right'.  I'm hoping to get those up this week too - we'll see!!!

Nearly forgot - here's the link for the new Garden Snowflake pattern.

3 November 2012

Don't forget!

Shuttles tomorrow at 20.00 hours GMT!!!  Hope I don't forget either.  Perhaps you can drop me a message about twenty minutes before, Sally and anybody else who's around?  Also while you're all busy shopping for shuttles etc please take a peek at my bookmarks etc.  They really ARE a fabulous idea and I'm not saying that just cause I thought of them but mainly because I use one all the time and have proved to myself that they work!!!  They'd make a really good Christmas present too.

Which reminds me - I have several Christmas patterns to share with you over the next few weeks so I'd better get on and finish them off!!!!

Anyway today I'm showing you the other four butterflies I chose for the cardigan.

2 November 2012

Brain dead but recovering!!

I apologise for yesterday's post which was confusing to say the least!!!  I put Saturday at the start for the new batch of shuttles and Sunday towards the end!!!  Just say that I realised that I'd be invaded by visitors (happy days) on Saturday so won't be able to release them then.  

So, Sunday is shuttle, hook and bobbin holder day!!!!

Below are some not very good photos of the butterflies on my cardigan!!  Sewn on with invisible thread as usual!!!

Please wish brain cell 3 a quick recovery after his 'blip' yesterday!!!!

1 November 2012

More shuttles arriving

On Saturday I'll be letting loose some more shuttles in my Etsy shop.  This time I have the following

2 Hooks with Hats On in maple (size 0.4mm)
1 Oak shuttle without a hook
1 Cherry without a hook
2 Eucalyptus with hooks
2 Pear with hooks
2 Oregon Myrtle with hooks
2 Apple with hooks
2 Maple with hooks

AND this which is a new item which 'im in the garage might make more of.  It's a bobbin holder as you can see.

The time of listing will be Sunday at 20.00 hours GMT.  We're back on GMT now after our summer of wet dismal weather!!!

31 October 2012

The new cardigan

OK, between the TIAS, the Garden Snowflake, selling a load of 'stuff' on ebay for a neighbour and many other 'things' I've managed to complete the cardigan I showed you here.

I was really grateful for all the suggestions and wanted to go with the ones that Maureen and Susie's made but as I've told myself very firmly that I'm not allowed to buy more thread and as I hadn't either of those in my stash I had to think again.  

In the end I went for using fine sewing threads and making the butterfly which is here.  So I made about a dozen and then chose 8 to sew on to it.

Nick thought it looked great and as it's passed the 'Nick test' I'm happy with it too!!!!  The sleeves are a bit long but then that is cause I've got short arms!!!!  I can turn those up - the sleeves, I mean, not my arms!!

30 October 2012

SUCH excitement

This is NOT tatting related but is for some of my tatting friends.  Among those who might enjoy my excitement are Joanie, Pam, Riet and a few of the others in South Carolina!!!

Now you folks in America have dollar stores which sells things for - guess what - a DOLLAR!!!  In England we have the 'odd' place which is equivalent and in my town we have Poundland.  Now a pound is worth 62 cents at the moment so anything we buy is almost twice as expensive than buying in America.  

I'll confess here.  When I walk in the afternoons I usually go round in a certain direction so that I end up walking up through the town towards home.  I always pop into our Poundland - just in case they've got something new that I can't live without.  

Well, yesterday they did and here they are!!!  The latest craze while Sally and I were in America was the range of small solar powered novelty 'items' (for want of a better word).  I came home so excited with these two but have hidden them from Nick as they'll now form part of his birthday present.  He'll be thrilled as he asked me why I didn't come home with more once he'd seen the dancing daisies that Pam had given me.  Reasons why I didn't?  All the dollar stores we visited had sold out and I'd got no room in my suitcase!!!  The daisies had to travel in my carry on bag!!!

29 October 2012

WHAT a surprise

Well you know I fell in love not long ago with a bag.  I know - a bag is a bag is a bag but NOT when you're an old bag lady like I am!!  Who was that who said 'she's just an old bag and not a lady'?  I heard you!!!

Well on Friday I was sitting having lunch when the doorbell rang.  It was the postman with a packet for me.  Now this was MOST puzzling as I wasn't expecting anything.  Not a thing, zilch, nowt, nil, zero.  Well I just LOVE surprises and this one was wonderful.  It came from Geraldine (this is her blog) who also sent me the instructions to make more bags like it AND some fabric and interfacing too.  It's got 8 pockets.  Yes, EIGHT pockets.  I love pockets in bags as they keep me better organised.  I like the square bag I made cause that's got 4 pockets but this one has EIGHT!!!  

Can you see what was in the pockets?  There was chocolate (yummy, yummy), some HDT, another thread which Geraldine says is great for the magic thread trick (I really MUST try that now), beads (can you see that they're eyes?), buttons and a doodad too.  

Thank you SOOO much, Geraldine - that's made an old git VERY happy.

27 October 2012

A tin - just a tin!

Just what the title says - this is a tin!!  Nick likes the small mints that come in these tins and when he'd finished with one the other day he asked if it would be any use to me.  Well, what do YOU think I said?

The small black 'bit' fits just neatly on the top of the tin allowing the mints to be shaken out through the hole.  It's made of quite a tough plastic and is quite easy to get out as you can see.

I've got a few very nice crystal beads which will fit neatly inside and which will save me getting out too many at a time and (as is well known in most tatter's houses) getting spilled all over the place if I knock the tin over!!  I've been given two of these so I'll find other beads to put in the other one.  All I have to do now is stick a label on the top so I know what's in each tin.

Now hands up all those who think this is a stonking great idea!!!  

Well done brain cell 3 - long may you live!!!

26 October 2012

Don't get bored, please!

I know it's more of the same but I have to make a design over and over again until I'm happy with it.  Mainly it's small tweaks on the stitch count that really matter to me.  I had to get the centre right so that the seed beads filled the space and I think I'm happy with that part now.

I also like these colours a lot better too!!!!

Tomorrow I'll show you something new, I hope!!!!  Newish anyway!!!

25 October 2012

Garden snowflake again.

Here's another but I'm not happy with these two colours either!!  They are different to the other two but I'm still not totally happy.  The pattern is coming on well and I SHOULD get it finished soon.  Trouble is I'm dividing my time between this, two other small doodle projects and the TIAS - which I've fallen out with again for now!!!!  I'm hoping to get back to it this evening!!

I was being too lazy and just used what I'd got near the chair again this time.  The variegated thread is some of Karey's and I'm afraid I've just 'killed' it's beauty (and Karey's threads are beautiful) with the yellow.  Ah well, back to the drawing board!!!!

23 October 2012

Something slightly new

Whilst I ponder and work on the cardigan I'm also playing with this idea.

This is a new snowflake which I'm calling the 'Garden Snowflake'.  Yes it's already got a name which is very unusual for me.  The reason?  Well it's based on the Walled Garden motif.  It's not exactly the same as you'll see because I changed the centre quite a bit.

The pattern itself is well on the way to being finished too but I'd like to check it out a few more times before sharing.

I'm not sure I like this colour combination but it was what was on hand when I was sitting here a few days ago!!!

22 October 2012

Do you like?

Do you like my new jacket/cardigan?  I bought one similar to this last winter in black.  I lived in it all winter as it's very lightweight and I get awful hot in our central heating.  Nick feels the cold and I've got an inbuilt central heating boiler inside me so we tend to 'differ' on heating needs!!!

So, having looked at this new item I've decided it's just a tad too plain for me and needs some embellishment!!!  Obviously you know what I'm going to have to do - add tatting!!!  How or what is my next decision.  I don't want to 'tie' myself to any particular colour as I'd like to be able to wear it with anything in my vast wardrobe.  Hmmmm, that's a joke - my wardrobe just ain't vast at all!!!

So here is the item which is taking my attention (although briefly!) from the Tat It And See.

20 October 2012

TIAS 2013

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?  When that question is asked I always opt for the bad first as I like to get that over with and out of the way.  Actually Geraldine prompted this post with her comment yesterday so I thought I'd better update y'all (as they say in the southern states of America)!!!

The bad news is that I really, really struggled to get started on next January's TIAS.  Oh, in case you don't know a TIAS is a 'Tat It And See'.  It's a game a lot of people play with me in January each year.  Here's a link to the TIAS blog.  Last year's links are on the left side of the blog if you want to see how it works.  The introduction here will give you some idea of what you might expect.

Well the good news now - I've finally started on it.

Now what took so long?

You guys - you caused poor old brain cell 3 a lot of worry and angst!!!  You're getting too darn clever at guessing what the finished piece is going to be and I'm trying to make the guessing harder!!!!

I THINK this year's idea will work.  Do you want a clue?  Well here you are!!!

19 October 2012

What to do when you can't think of what to do!

My tatting life has been a bit in the doldrums lately.  I'm not sure why but it has.  I've been tempted away from what I ought to do by the wonderful variety of threads I've got.  

Anyway I thought I would settle down and do something a bit more than 'just something small' and decided to have another 'go' at the chicken wing doily.  

This time I've used my all time favourite Rainbow Taffy and another (can't remember which!) Lizbeth variegated for the centres of the 'wings'.  I love it and now it's done it's been put away in the cupboard!!!!  Having got that out of my system I wonder what will happen next in my corner of Tat Land!!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.