It's OK to wash it is the name on the bottle. This post today is mainly for Sally and Joanie who were with me when I bought a bottle of this fabric 'glue'.
It's taken me ages to pluck up the courage to use it for some reason. I finally found a tshirt that I didn't mind 'risking', made a heart and took the plunge off the diving board!!
It does look a bit naff on the top picture but I can assure you that it ain't that bad!!! I'll be a bit more careful next time I use it - yes there WILL be a next time, I assure you. Since these pictures the shirt has been through the washing machine a few times and it does look better. I can promise you one thing - that heart will be on there until the shirt dies a decent death. It's not going anywhere else, I assure you!!!
So, I'm pleased with this product and wish I'd had it when I put these letters (below) onto Nick's jumper a few years ago. Before you throw up your hands in dismay - he ASKED me to make them and add them to the jumper!!! The picture is him modelling it!