That's true - I'm a fraud. The reason I'm saying this is because I've been chosen by Tatting Corner as designer of the month. Here's the link.
You see - I'm not a designer. I'm a 'fiddler'. I've never set out to be anything but a tatter who fiddles around and sometimes I accidentally come up with a 'good idea'.
My career as a 'so called' 'designer' started by accident and I'm still only here by accident too. It was the kids I was teaching that started my career of fiddling as you can read in the article - the rest is now, as 'they' say, history.
I always think that to be a designer you have to want to be one and then have a plan. I'm afraid I don't do that. I like to wait for an idea to come along and then go with it or wait for somebodies suggestion to percolate (thinking Ruth and the Motmot bird here). Rarely do I decide on something I want or need to make. Ah, unless it's a TIAS and then I do need to plan that. That's agony!!!